Many people's names include one or more middle names, placed between the first given name and the surname. In the West, a middle name is effectively a second given name. In the Anglosphere there is usually only one middle name, often abbreviated by its possessor to the middle initial or omitted entirely in everyday use.
- Next to last.
- Linguistics. Of or relating to the penult of a word: penultimate stress.
The next to the last.
[From Latin paenultimus. See penult.]
━━ n. 語尾から2番目の音節[もの] ((cf. antepenult)).
━━ a., n. 語尾から2番目の(音節).
━━ a., n. 語尾から2番目の(音節).
1 則留言:
Endeavour Returns to Earth
Overnight landing brings an end to NASA's penultimate shuttle mission.