2008年9月3日 星期三

pushes the frontiers of deposit insurance

"This book does it all on deposit insurance: a clear conceptual framework, new cross-country data and analyses, and insightful country studies from history and around the world. Anyone working on financial sector policy issues must read this innovative, well-written book. It truly pushes the frontiers."

Deposit insurance is a measure introduced by policy makers in many countries to protect deposits, in full or in part, in the event of a "run" on a bank 擠兌 or banks.


━━ vt. 置く; 【地学】堆積[沈殿]させる; 預ける ((at; with)); 預金する ((in)); 供託する; 手付けを置く.
━━ n.(たい)積(物); 沈殿物; 鉱床; 預金, 供託金; 手付金.
on deposit 預金されて[して].
deposit account 定期預金.
 ━━ n.depository.
deposit in transit 未達預金[預け入れ].
dep・o・si・tion ━━ n. 免職; 廃位; 【法】(宣誓)証言; 宣誓証書; 預金; 堆(たい)積[沈殿]作用; (the D-) (十字架から)キリストを降ろすこと, その絵[彫刻].
de・pos・i・tor ━━ n. 預金者, 供託者.
de・pos・i・to・ry ━━ n. 保管所[人]; 預金機関 (deposit institution); 倉庫; 受託者[銀行].
Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act 金融制度改革法.
deposit slip 【金融】(銀行の)預け入れ伝票, 預金伝票.


━━ n. 国境地方; (the ~) 辺境; 未知の領域 ((of)).
━━ a. 国境地方の; 辺境の.
frontiers・man 辺境の住民; 辺境開拓者.
frontier spirit 〔米〕 (剛毅な)辺境開拓精神.
