2008年9月3日 星期三

scriptm, screenwriter, searing, rescript, ex cathedra

McCain Team Scrambles to Rescript Show


May 29, 1888, Wednesday

Page 4, 748 words

It has already been explained that the Papal rescript condemning the plan of campaign and the practice of boycotting is not an utteranee ex cathedra. That is to say, it may be sound, but is not infallible doctrine.

ex cathedra(L.):以宗座權威:乃教宗正式宣言,教宗以其不能錯誤的最高權威,對全教會所頒佈有關信條和道德的正式公告。
rescript, papal:教宗覆文;聖座答書:乃教宗或有關主管以書面發佈之行政措施,賜予申請者特恩、豁免、釋疑或其它恩惠(法典59)。通常只對詢問或請求人有效。答書言簡意賅,譬如:諾 affirmative,否 negative,不宜 non expedit,特許 pro gratia,欣然准予所請 gaudeat impetrates 等。
Abby Mann, ‘Nuremberg’ Screenwriter, Dies at 83

Mr. Mann brought incisive characterization and a searing sense of justice to “Judgment at Nuremberg” for which he won an Academy Award for screenwriting.

searing Show phonetics
1 If something, such as a feeling or temperature, is described as searing, it is extreme:
A searing pain shot up her arm.
The race took place in the searing heat.

2 (especially of a criticism or story) very powerful and emotional or critical:
The article is a searing attack on government mismanagement.
Her latest novel is a searing tale of love and hate.

screenwriter Show phonetics
noun [C]
someone who writes the story for a film



    1. The act of rewriting.
    2. Something that has been rewritten.
  1. A formal decree or edict.
  2. Roman Catholic Church. A response from the pope or another ecclesiastical superior to a question regarding discipline or doctrine.
  3. A reply from a Roman emperor to a magistrate's query about a point of law.

[Latin rescrīptum, from neuter past participle of rescrībere, to write back : re-, re- + scrībere, to write.]

script was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.



きゃくほん 0 【脚本】

a script; 《演劇の》a play; 《映画の》a scenario.


~家 a script-writer; a playwright; a scenarist.

A・マン氏死去 米脚本家
