2008年9月16日 星期二

butter sb up, the gist

The fast-moving story has several parts to it, but here's the gist: Lehman Bros. will file for bankruptcy, Merrill Lynch agreed to be sold to Bank of America, and insurance giant American International Group could be the next big casualty of the global credit crisis.

the gist Show phonetics
noun [S]
the most important pieces of information about something, or general information without details:
That was the gist of what he said.
I think I got (= understood) the gist of what she was saying.


━━ n. (the ~) 要点, 主旨 ((of)); 【法】(訴訟の)動機, 訴因.

phrasal verb:

butter up

  1. To praise or flatter excessively: You're always buttering up the boss.
butter sb up phrasal verb [M] INFORMAL
to be very kind or friendly to someone or try to please them, so that they will do what you want them to do:
You'll have to butter them up a bit before they'll agree.

New Campaign Tries to Butter Up Shoppers

In Advertising

A food brand with a funny name, which is known for funny advertising, is starting a campaign that offers a humorous look back at eating habits when Dwight and Mamie were in the White House, Dick and Dorothy were on the radio and Ozzie and Harriet were on TV.

The campaign is for I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, a soft spread sold by the packaged foods giant Unilever. The campaign is centered on a fictitious family of the 1950s named the Buttertons, a husband, wife and son whose diets are dominated by, yes, a certain yellow dairy product.

The campaign takes a good-natured poke at what the Buttertons believed was the right way to eat and presents I Can't Believe It's Not Butter as the better choice for modern consumers who want to avoid saturated fat and cholesterol.

The gist of the ads is summarized in their theme, "Now we know better." The campaign, with a budget estimated at $10 million to $20 million, is being created by McCann Erickson Worldwide in New York and involves other agencies like Blackdot in Dallas.

The campaign is contemporary not only in its contents but also in its media outlets. In addition to television commercials, there is a special Web site where computer users can find product information, recipes and coupons and also play an online trivia game, alone or with others, and enter a sweepstakes.

The campaign also has a significant presence on msn.com, on subject pages that include games, health, life style and the Hotmail e-mail service.
