2016年9月17日 星期六

mission profile, betray, rat (information), trade mission

Irish PM leads trade mission to Japan
The Associated Press
TOKYO (AP) — Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen is leading his country's biggest ever trade mission to Japan in an effort to boost investment from the world's ...

Her aides apparently weren't eager to receive input from Obama's people on the content of the speech and "did not even provide a final draft to the Obama campaign well in advance of delivery, working on it until the last minute." But in her speech the former first lady mostly stuck to her No. 1 task of declaring her support for Obama "and she betrayed none of the anger and disappointment that she still feels."

1. on Page 91:
"Civilizing mission. Despite the success of the Union, Scots endured much hostility in England"
2. on Page 93:
"13. Civilizing mission. Exploration of the South Pacific aroused widespread public interest and gave much scope"
. on Page 100:
"centenary of the Revolution but considerable reason to lament its betrayal. Defenders of the regime were more likely to praise its recent achievements"

rat (information)

rat v., rat·ted, rat·ting, rats. v.intr.

To hunt for or catch rats, especially with the aid of dogs.

Slang. To betray one's associates by giving information: ratted on his best friend to the police.

Slang. To work as a scab laborer.


To puff out (the hair) with or as if with a pad of material.

[Middle English, from Old English ræt.]

mission (JOB)
noun [C]
1 an important job, especially a military one, that someone is sent somewhere to do:
Your mission is to isolate the enemy by destroying all the bridges across the river.
a peace/rescue/fact-finding mission

2 any work that someone believes it is their duty to do:
My mission in life is to educate the rich about the suffering of the poor.
She's a woman with a mission and she's absolutely determined to finish the project.

mission (PEOPLE)
group noun [C]
a group of people whose job is to increase what is known about their country, organization or religion in another country or area, or the place where such people are based:
More funds are needed to establish trade missions in eastern Europe.
The Methodist mission is situated in one of the poorest parts of the city.

noun [C]
a person who has been sent to a foreign country to teach their religion to the people who live there:
He did missionary work for the Presbyterian Church in Alaska.

mission profile 任務剖面"圖 " 是航空太空名詞,談軍用產品等的可靠性等會碰到它。即將某(航空器等)任務的歷程、事件和諸條件等用圖或表表示之:
mission profile. A graphic or tabular presentation of the flight plan of a spacecraft showing all pertinent events scheduled to occur.
2006/12/19 BBC有一摘要 背叛
「在眾多主流報章中,只有《獨立報》的取材不同。標題是 背叛 (The betrayal),報道了首名英軍士兵在伊拉克遇害,經調查後發現導致他死亡的原因是因為軍方沒有提供防彈背心。
報道引述了負責調查的法醫官的說話: 在沒有給予士兵基本裝備的情況,派士兵上戰場,從我的角度看,是不能夠寬恕的,也是沒有任何藉口的,這代表了政府對士兵背信棄義。
The betrayal of a soldier: Coroner in blistering attack on ministers at inquest
By Ian Herbert Published: 19 December 2006

betray (SHOW)
verb [T]
to show feelings, thoughts or a particular characteristic without intending to:
If he is nervous on stage, he does not betray it.
Although she often seems quite cold and harsh, her smiling eyes betray her true nature.betray (NOT LOYAL)
verb [T]
1 to not be loyal to your country or a person, often by doing something harmful such as helping their enemies:
He was accused of betraying his country during the war.
She felt betrayed by her mother's lack of support.
For years they betrayed Britain's secrets to Russia.
FORMAL He promised never to betray her (= never to leave her for another person).

2 FORMAL If someone betrays something such as a promise, they do not do what they said they would:
The government has been accused of betraying its election promises.
By staying out so late, they have betrayed my trust (= disappointed me because I had trusted them to not be late).

noun [C or U]
I felt a sense of betrayal when my friends refused to support me.
This was the first in a series of betrayals.
