2016年9月8日 星期四

the Leaver, university leavers, tea leaves

   "Brexit means Brexit" is a tired cliché. Theresa May is disowning many of the Leavers' promises

請教一詞,談到心理測驗 所謂 part science, part tea leaves 不知何意?

西洋人過去(17世紀?)很流行看茶葉沖泡出的形狀等等來"算命"  迷信.

Plenty of university graduates are working in low-skilled jobs
YOUNG people often worry whether the qualification for which they are studying will stand them in good stead in the workplace. According to the OECD, college and university leavers are better placed in the labour market than their less educated peers, but this advantage is not even in all countries. Young graduates living in Spain are particularly likely to end up taking low-skilled work, while those in Luxembourg rarely take anything other than a graduate job. American and British students appear to have the biggest incentive to study: British graduates aged 25-34 earn $57,000 on average. Their Swedish peers earn $37,400.

(lēv"ẽr)One who leaves, or withdraws.

 the Leaver 主張脫/離開歐盟者
