Mortier, the Belgian opera director whose nonconformist style often
grated the tradition-bound elite and who worked tirelessly to bring the
art closer to the public, has died.
Merchants and volunteers grilling saury in front of Meguro Station on Sept. 4 (Louis Templado)秋刀魚
In fact, the number of visitors swells to nearly 50,000 on some years, which means that not everybody can get their fill.
The other day, I came across saury from Hokkaido selling for 98 yen apiece in a neighborhood supermarket. I broiled the silvery blue dagger-like fish with salt and ate it with grated daikon and "sudachi" citrus. I felt as if I was biting into autumn itself. As the season advances, saury swim south to coastal areas of Sanriku in the Tohoku region and off Choshi, Chiba Prefecture.
full invasion of China by Japan in 1937
rasping with tuberculosis and shivering with cold in....

v., rasped, rasp·ing, rasps.
- To file or scrape with a coarse file having sharp projections.
- To utter in a grating voice.
- To grate on (nerves or feelings).
- To scrape harshly; grate.
- To make a harsh grating sound.
- A coarse file with sharp, raised, pointed projections.
- The act of filing with a rasp.
- A harsh grating sound.
[Middle English raspen, from Middle Dutch raspen and Old French rasper, of Germanic origin.]
rasper rasp'er n.raspingly rasp'ing·ly adv.
1 …を(目のあらいやすりなどで)こする, 研磨する;…を(…から)こすり取る((off, away/off, away ...))
rasp the paint off a piece of wood
2 〈人・神経・感情などを〉いらだたせる(irritate);傷つける.
3 …を耳ざわりな声で言う((out));…をきしませる, ギーギーと鳴らす.
━━(自)こすれる;きしる;耳ざわりな音を出す, ギシギシいう, (人の神経に)さわる, (…を)いらだたせる((on, upon ...))
She rasps (away) on the fiddle.
1 あらやすり, 木やすり.
2 やすりをかけること;あらくこする[削る, かきむしる]こと.
3 ((a 〜))(やすりなどで)こする音;ギーギーいう音, きしる音.grate
1 (…と)(やかましく)こすれる, すれ合う;ギシギシ[ギリギリ, キーキー, ガリガリ]音を立てる, きしる((against, on, upon ...))
a knife grating against metal
2 (…にとって)不快な音を出す, かんにさわる((on, upon ...))
The screams grated on my nerves.
1 〈食材などを〉(おろし金で)下ろす
grate cheese
2 〈物を〉ギシギシ[ギリギリ, ガリガリ]こする, きしらせる;〈人を〉いらいらさせる, 〈人の〉感情を害する
grate the teeth
grate the gears (of a car)

v., grat·ed, grat·ing, grates.
- To reduce to fragments, shreds, or powder by rubbing against an abrasive surface.
- To cause to make a harsh grinding or rasping sound through friction: grated her teeth in anger.
- To irritate or annoy persistently.
- Archaic. To rub or wear away.
- To make a harsh rasping sound by or as if by scraping or grinding.
- To cause irritation or annoyance: a noise that grates on one's nerves.
A harsh rasping sound made by scraping or rubbing: the grate of a key in a lock.
[Middle English graten, from Old French grater, to scrape, of Germanic origin.]
1 (暖炉の)火格子, 火床(ひどこ);暖炉.
2 ((主に米))(仕切り・防護・おおいなどのための)格子;格子窓[戸].
━━[動](他)…に鉄格子をつける, を格子でおおう.61% full
- The maximum or complete size or amount: repaid in full.
- The highest degree or state: living life to the full.
An amount needed to make full, complete, or satisfied: eat one's fill.
Material for filling a container, cavity, or passage.
A built-up piece of land; an embankment.
The material, such as earth or gravel, used for this.
1 ((one's 〜))十分, いっぱい, ほしいだけ, 存分
drink one's fill
2 ((a 〜))容器1杯の量, 一盛り, 一服
a fill of tobacco for a pipe
3 《建築》盛り土[石].
have had one's fill of ...
Filling station - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A filling station is a facility that sells fuel and engine lubricants for motor vehicles. The most common fuels sold in the 2010s are gasoline and diesel fuel. A filling ...
A filling station is a facility that sells fuel and engine lubricants for motor vehicles. The most common fuels sold in the 2010s are gasoline and diesel fuel. A filling ...