2008年1月17日 星期四

in tandem


━━ ad. (一列に)縦に並んで.
━━ a., n. 縦に並んだ(2頭立の馬車,2つの座席); 二人乗自転車, タンデム (tandem bicycle).
in tandem 縦に並んで; 協力して.
tandem processor 【コンピュータ】タンデム・プロセッサ.

in tandem

1 at the same time:
The heart and lungs will be transplanted in tandem.

2 If two pieces of equipment, people, etc. are working 'in tandem' they are working together, especially well or closely:
I want these two groups to work/operate in tandem on this project.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Cool | 17.01.2008 | 11:30

Tandem Exchange Hypes Language Learning in Germany

Students in Germany have come up with a new way to learn new languages outside of the classroom while teaching their native tongue at the same time.

Instead of taking tedious courses or learning pronunciation from a CD, students are meeting up in cafes to exchange languages in a tandem speaking program. Two students in Bonn share their experiences of exchanging German and Chinese.

Reporters: Leila Knüppel and Mark Mattox
