2008年1月21日 星期一

audio-visual AV, constant improvement

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:

You must have a supplier relationship of constant improvement.

constant (FREQUENT)
happening a lot or all the time:
He's in constant trouble with the police.
machines that are in constant use

all the time or frequently:
He's constantly changing his mind.
She has the television on constantly.

Show phonetics
adjective [before noun] (ABBREVIATION AV)
describes something that involves seeing or hearing:
audio-visual equipment/aids/software

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


also audiovisual ( ô'dē-ō-vĭzh'ū-əl)

  1. Both audible and visible.
  2. (Abbr. AV) Of or relating to materials, such as films and tape recordings, that present information in audible and pictorial form: a corporation's audio-visual department.
An aid, other than printed matter, that uses sight or sound to present information: language tapes, videocassettes, and other audio-visuals.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

A/V (1) (Audio/Video) Refers to equipment and applications that deal with sound and sight. The A/V world includes microphones, tape recorders, audio mixers, still and video cameras, film projectors, slide projectors, VCRs, CD and DVD players/recorders, amplifiers and speakers. The term originally meant "audio/visual."
--Computer Encyclopedia


audio-visual; Authorized Version.


━━ a. 低[可聴]周波の; 音(声)の.
━━ n.pl. ~s) 音(の再生); 【テレビ】音声部.
audio board 【コンピュータ】音声処理基板.
audio book オーディオカセットブック.
audio cassette オーディオ・カセット ((音声録音再生用)).
audio conference 電話会議.
audio frequency 低[可聴]周波.
audio・tpist オーディオタイピスト ((録音テープから直接タイプする)).
