2008年1月26日 星期六


我想判斷字典功力的一最簡單字眼是 "it"
我學英文四十年之後 知道它可以作━━ n. (鬼ごっこなどの)鬼; 〔俗〕 性的魅力, イット(日本 音譯).
不過昨夜讀 John Ruskin ( -1900)的 用it 作 human being的代名詞 還是"一驚"

it Show phonetics
(as subject or object) the thing, animal or situation which has already been mentioned:
"Where's my pen? It was on my desk a minute ago." "You left it by the phone."
The company was losing money and it had to make people redundant.
The argument was upsetting for us all - I don't want to talk about it.
Children who stay away from school do it for different reasons.

its Show phonetics
belonging to or relating to something that has already been mentioned:
The dog hurt its paw.
Their house has its own swimming pool.
The company increased its profits.
I prefer the second option - its advantages are simplicity and cheapness.

itself Show phonetics
1 the reflexive form of the pronoun 'it':
The cat licked itself all over.

2 used to put emphasis on a word:
The shop itself (= only the shop and nothing else) started 15 years ago but the mail order side of the business is new.
The dog managed to drag the box into the room by itself (= without help).
The animal had been left in the house by itself (= alone) for a week.
The plan wasn't illegal in itself (= there was nothing in the plan that was illegal) but it would lead to some doubtful practices.
The committee kept the results of the survey to itself (= did not tell anyone), fearing a bad public reaction.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
━━ pron.pl. they; them) それ(は,が,に,を).
Go it! そら, ファイトだ!
have had it 万事休す.
have it 〔話〕 才能[性的魅力]がある.
have it bad 〔話〕 ぞっこんほれ込んでいる ((for)).
have what it takes 必要な資質を備えている.
That's it. それだ; それが問題だ; それですべてだ; それでよし.
This is it. 〔話〕 これ(が問題のこと)だ; いよいよ来たるべき時が来た.
with it 〔俗〕 最近のことに詳しい.
