2008年1月15日 星期二

claimer, hormone, gestalt

Eli Lilly said Wednesday that it will pay $300 million for the rights to Posilac, Monsanto's controversial hormone to boost milk production in cows.

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Now that they have discussed fish from the Caribbean and Mediterranean, the next offerings that the customers and wait staff can chat about in coming months will come from countries like Iceland and Argentina.
“The plan at the end of the year is to do a sort of ‘We travel the world’ synopsis,” Mr. Freeman says, and “highlight the whole gestalt of it.”
Gestalt? Isn’t that the fish served during the Jewish holidays?

noun [C usually singular] SPECIALIZED
something such as a structure or experience which, when considered as a whole, has qualities that are more than the total of all its parts:格式塔 
This new biography is the first to consider fully the writer's gestalt.

adjective [before noun]
considering or treating what a person experiences and believes as a whole and individual thing:
In gestalt psychology and gestalt psychotherapy, people's thoughts and emotions are seen as complex wholes.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

hormone Show phonetics
noun [C]
any of various chemicals made by living cells which influence the development, growth, sex, etc. of an animal and are carried around the body in the blood:
male and female hormones
growth hormones

hormonal Show phonetics
a hormonal imbalance



━━ n. 【生理】ホルモン.
 hor・mo・nal ━━ a.
 hormone replacement therapy (更年期障害の女性に対する)ホルモン置換療法.

claim (DEMAND) Show phonetics
1 [T] to ask for something of value because you think it belongs to you or because you think you have a right to it:
The police said that if no one claims the watch, you can keep it.
When King Richard III died, Henry VII claimed the English throne.

2 [I or T] to make a written demand for money from a government or organization because you think you have a right to it:
The number of people claiming unemployment benefit has risen sharply this month.
Don't forget to claim (for) your travelling expenses after the interview.
When my bike was stolen, I claimed on the insurance and got £150 back.
UK If the shop won't give me a replacement TV, I'll claim my money back.

claim Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a written request asking an organization to pay you a sum of money which you believe they owe you:
After her house was burgled, she made a claim on her insurance.
Please submit your claim for travelling expenses to the accounts department.

2 a right to have something or obtain something from someone:
She has no rightful claim to the title.
Our neighbours have no claim to (= cannot say that they own) that strip of land between our houses.
My ex-wife has no claims on me (= has no right to any of my money).

claimant Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who asks for something which they believe belongs to them or which they have a right to

claim damages
to make an official request for money after an accident, from the person who caused your injuries

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


n.One who claims; a claimant.

    One who sets forth a claim to a royal title: claimant, pretender. Seeowned/unowned.



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