2007年10月7日 星期日

It's Clinton's to Lose (1992/2007)

上周讀American politics | The comeback kids | Economist.com

The American presidency is Hillary Clinton's to lose. But that doesn't make her a shoo-in just....

等人 The American presidency is Hillary Clinton's to lose. 的意思--其實這篇文章中解釋這句
不過丁丁更認真 寫篇解釋 參考丁丁的
Mine to Lose, Yours to Gain

歷史最有趣的是1992年10月19日的 Time 的下篇分析 --大選前三周--為什麼 Clinton 會獲勝:

It's Clinton's to Lose - TIME

It's Clinton's to Lose
