2007年10月15日 星期一

nude, Toilet of Venus, retraite nue /nue retraite


Pronunciation: /njuːd/ 


1Wearing no clothes; naked:a painting of a nude model
1.1[ATTRIBUTIVE] Depicting or performed by naked people:she won’t do any nude scenes
2Denoting or relating to clothing or makeup that is of a color resembling that of the wearer’s skin:a nude camisole under a sheer blousebalance the intensity of the eyes with a soft lip color in a nude shade
2.1Of a pinkish-beige colour:nude tights


1A naked human figure, typically as the subject of a painting, sculpture, or photograph:a study of a kneeling nudethe nude was regarded as the ultimate test of artistic skill
2A colour of clothing or makeup resembling that of the wearer’s skin:sheer lip colour in all shades of nude
2.1A pale pinkish-beige colour:silks in ivory, nude, and shimmering silver


in the nude

In an unclothed state:I like to swim in the nude


Late Middle English (in the sense 'plain, explicit'): from Latin nudus. The current sense is first found in noun use in the early 18th century.

「我會在明年兩會後完全退休,我這個退休叫『裸退』,無論是官方的、半官方的、還是群眾性團體,都不再擔任任何職務,希望你們完全把我忘記!」 吳儀大多數的時間脫稿話家常,但不乏語重心長。她勸誡在座企業人士廉潔奉公,吳儀不僅談及一些腐敗案例,並告訴大家,她的個人收入:「我現在每年所有收入 十二萬元(人民幣),還包括了保母費。我相信你們都比我拿的多,你們誰敢說沒有別墅?我希望在座諸位要廉潔,只拿該拿的,一定要拿得正當!」
鍾 漢清Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)問 :『裸退』是否為舶來品?

retraite nue
nue retraite

HC案:retraité(e) I adj (à la retraite) retired II m(f)(f) retired person

nu(e) adj 1. (sans vêtement) naked; les pieds ~s barefoot; se mettre torse ~ to strip to the waist 2. (non protégé: fil électrique, lame) bare 3. mettre qc à ~ (à découvert) to lay sth bare; (découvrir) to strip sth; mettre son coeur à ~ to lay bare one's heart ;

"......我還是覺得retraite nue/nue retraite的說法怪怪的

━━ n. 化粧室, 浴室; 便所, トイレ; 便器; 化粧; 着つけ, 衣装; ((形容詞的)) 化粧の.
was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.

toilet bag 化粧道具入れ.

The exhibition begins with early Rauschenberg silk-screens such as Transom (1963), with its weird mélange of Velázquez's Toilet of Venus and military imagery, and continues by looking at the various ways Pop Art has sustained its position in contemporary art.

  1. The Toilet of Venus ('The Rokeby Venus'). Diego Velazquez, 1647-1651. The National Gallery, London. The only surviving female nude by Velazquez.

mé·lange also me·lange (mā-läNzh') pronunciation
  1. A mixture: [a] building crowned with a mélange of antennae and satellite dishes” (Howard Kaplan).
  2. Geology. A metamorphic rock formation created from sediments and rocks scraped off the top of a downward-moving tectonic plate in a subduction zone.
[French, from Old French meslance, from mesler, to mix. See meddle.]

make one's toilet 身ごしらえする.

toilet paper [tissue] トイレットペーパー.
toilet powder 化粧用パウダー.
toilet roll トイレットペーパー(のひと巻き).
toilet room 化粧室; 便所.
toi・let・ry ━━ n. (普通pl.) 化粧用品.
toilet seat 便座.
toilet set 化粧道具.
toilet soap 化粧石けん.
toilet table (鏡付きの)化粧台.

  • potty-trained
  • toilet-train ━━ vt. (幼児に)用便のしつけをする.
  • toilet-trained
  • toilet training (幼児の)用便のしつけ.

toilet water
toilet water 化粧水.
