2008年1月26日 星期六

refer sb to sth (DIRECT)

refer sb to sth (DIRECT) phrasal verb
to direct someone or something to a different place or person for information, help or action, often to a person or group with more knowledge or power:
My doctor referred me to a hospital specialist.
The High Court has referred the case to the Court of Appeal.

referral Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
The doctor gave him a referral to (= arranged for him to see) the consultant.

reference Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a writer or a book, article, etc. that is mentioned in a piece of writing, showing you where the author found their information

2 (ABBREVIATION ref) in a business letter, a number that tells you who to speak to or where to look for more information:
In all future letters on this subject, please use/quote our reference JW/155/C/1991.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Statement regarding Peter Hain MP donations


Statement regarding Peter Hain MP donations

On 29 November 2007, Peter Hain MP informed the Electoral Commission that he had not fully reported to the Commission donations he had received for his Labour Party deputy leadership campaign.

Mr Hain has since met with the Commission and provided additional information about donations he received. The Electoral Commission has undertaken a thorough review of this information.

Following discussions with the Metropolitan Police Service and the Crown Prosecution Service, the Electoral Commission has now referred matters to the Metropolitan Police for them to consider whether an investigation should commence.











