2008年1月16日 星期三

Free China v China-Free

Free China -- 許久(一甲子以上) 以前 可能指 "中華民國在台灣".
free (NOT LIMITED) Show phonetics
adjective, adverb
not limited or controlled:
[+ to infinitive] Am I free (= Do I have permission) to leave now?
I'll give you a key then you're free to come and go as you please.
Please feel free to interrupt me if you don't understand anything.
The agreement gives companies free access to the markets of member countries.
A great deal has been achieved, most notably free elections (= elections in which people can vote as they wish).

free Show phonetics
verb [T + object + to infinitive]
Her retirement from politics will free her (= provide her with enough time) to write her memoirs.

freely Show phonetics
without being controlled or limited:
For the first time in months she could move freely.
Exotic foods are freely available in supermarkets.
She freely (= willingly) admits that she's not as fast a runner as she used to be.
We encourage the victims to talk freely (= talk a lot and honestly) about their experiences.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

free (WITHOUT) Show phonetics
adjective [after verb]
not having something that is unwanted or unpleasant:
Because the organization is a charitable enterprise it is free from tax worldwide.
She'll never be completely free of the disease.
Ensure the wound is free from/of dirt before applying the bandage.

-free Show phonetics
used at the end of words to mean 'without':
lead-free fuel
No working environment is entirely stress-free.
The journey was surprisingly hassle-free.

如果能夠通過這種農業經營模式,讓中國的民眾也能夠擁有環保意識以及食品安全意識,那麼“不含中國產原材料(China-Free)”的烈火也就不撲自滅 火。這不僅對於日本,對於進口中國食品及製品的眾多國家來說,都將受益巨大。(採訪者:NIKKEI NET 竹內 亮介)
