2020年10月4日 星期日

Leaf Peeping「紅葉狩り

Leaf peeping - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Leaf_peepi...

Leaf peeping is an informal term in the United States for the activity in which people travel to view and photograph the fall foliage in areas where leaves change colors in autumn, particularly in northern New England and the upper Midwest.

Leaf Peeping Is Not Canceled: 6 Drives and Hikes to Try This ...
www.nytimes.com › travel › leaf-pee...

2 日前 - Leaf Peeping Is Not Canceled: 6 Drives and Hikes to Try This Fall. From the Berkshires to the Rockies, the vibrant colors of fall are popping, and nothing, not even a pandemic, can stop them. Six writers in six states reveal their ...

「紅葉狩り」は英語で何?Leaf peepingの意味とは?アメリカ ...
peta-eri.com › leaf-peeping

2017/11/29 - また「もみじ狩り」を意味する “leaf peeping” という単語の衝撃の事実も併せて紹介しますよ! ペータ. 例のごとくエリンによる例文&読み上げ音声付きです!
紅葉(もみじ)狩りの英語 ... · ‎では「紅葉(もみじ)狩り ... · ‎例文で見てみよう!
