2020年10月4日 星期日

-itis, hepatitis, Hepatitis C virus, cystitis, dyspeptic, incompetent, hepatocellular carcinoma

People who drink more coffee – even decaffeinated – are less likely to develop liver cancer, an analysis of data from 26 studies has found.

For those who drank two cups of coffee a day, the risk of hepatocellular cancer was reduced by 35% compared to those who drank no coffee

Breaking News: Abe Vigoda, the sad-faced actor who emerged from a workmanlike stage career to find belated fame in the 1970s as the earnest mobster Tessio in "The Godfather" and the dyspeptic Detective Phil Fish on “Barney Miller,” died on Tuesday.

閻紀宇· The New York Times ·
《教父》第一集,表情永遠嚴肅悲傷的背叛者,Sal Tessio。

(I think that we suffer in Hong Kong from an epidemic of what we call at home, Craddockitis, and it is something which affects not just dyspeptic retired ambassadors; it clearly goes wider than that. And there are a number of ingredients to the disease, a number of symptoms. There is a belief that one has a monopoly of virtue, a belief that one has a monopoly of wisdom about what is right for Hong Kong, a belief that one has a monopoly of concern about the things which have made Hong Kong so special, and a belief that unless everybody else agrees with you and follows your own analysis, that, as far as Hong Kong is concerned, is the end of the road. Hong Kong is doomed unless people always agree with you. Those are some of the symptoms of this epidemic.)

Hepatocellular carcinoma - Wikipedia

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), also called malignant hepatoma, is the most common type of liver cancer. Most cases of HCC are caused by viral hepatitis ...

Pronunciation: /ˈʌɪtɪs/

Definition of -itis in English:


1Forming names of inflammatory diseases:cystitishepatitis
hep • a • ti • tis
  1. [名][U]《病理(学)》肝臓炎,肝炎
    • hepatitis A [B]
    • A[B]型肝炎.

The 2020 Medicine Laureates
獲獎因由:"... for the discovery of Hepatitis C virus"
2020年的諾貝爾生醫獎頒給了 Harvey J. Alter,Michael Houghton 和 Charles M. Rice,表彰他們發現了 C 型肝炎病毒。


cys • ti • tis
  1. [名][U]《病理(学)》膀胱(ぼうこう)炎.

dyspeptic Line breaks: dys|pep¦tic

Pronunciation: /dɪsˈpɛptɪk/

Definition of dyspeptic in English:


Having indigestion or a consequent air of irritable bad temper.
