2020年10月22日 星期四

slick and sumptuous, sincerity, clean (sth) up

The new film offers a delicious evening of entertainment, but, like its heroine, it has a hard time shaking off memories of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rebecca”

Ben Wheatley’s adaptation of “Rebecca” is slick and sumptuous
The past is still close

Home Depot’s CEO Cleans up.

clean (sth) up (MONEY) phrasal verb [M] SLANG to win a lot of money: 〔俗〕 大もうけする.

Meaning #2: make a big profit; often in a short period of time

Succeed, especially financially, as in We had fantastic luck at the races and really cleaned up. [Slang; first half of 1800s] We cleaned up at the poker table last night. 流出原油が韓国沿岸に漂着、黄海のタンカー衝突事故 CNN Japan ソウル――韓国中部の忠清南道沖合の黄海で7日朝起き た、香港船籍の大型タンカー(約14万6000トン)とクレー ンを積んだはしけ船が衝突、原油が流出した事故 で、海洋警察 oil slick noun [C] a layer of oil that is floating over a large area of the surface of the sea, usually because an accident has caused it to escape from a ship or container ━━ a. なめらかな; つるつるする; 巧みな; ずるい (sly); 口先のうまい; 〔俗〕 極上の. ━━ n. なめらかな部分; (水面の)油膜 (oil slick; 〔米話〕 (普通pl.) (光沢紙を用いた)雑誌. ━━ ad. なめらかに; 巧みに; まともに. run slick into …と正面衝突する. ━━ vt. なめらかにする; 〔米話〕 きちんとする ((up)); (髪を)きれいになでつける ((down)). slick・er ━━ n. 〔米〕 レインコート; 〔話〕 ペテン師, 口先上手. slick・ly ━━ ad. slick・ness ━━ n. BBC
Oil from a holed tanker reaches South Korea's coastline in the country's worst ever spillage.
Country profile: South Korea Rescue efforts on after ships sink in the Black Sea Russian rescue helicopters are searching for five missing seamen a day after a storm sank five ships, including an oil tanker in the Black Sea. The bodies of three other missing sailors have washed ashore. The storm split the Russian oil tanker in half, causing it to spill some 2,000 metric tonnes of fuel oil into the surrounding waters. The slick of oil from the sunken tanker has begun washing onto beaches raising concerns of a major environmental disaster. An official from Russia's Emergencies Ministry said the navy had been called in to help with the search and rescue operation, and the clean-up effort.

SLICK was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.

adjective 1 operating or performing skilfully and effectively, without problems and without seeming to need effort: Manilow gave the slick, polished performance that we've come to expect. A slick pass from Eaves to Brinkworth set up the goal. 2 DISAPPROVING skilful and effective but lacking sincerity or value: It's precisely that sort of slick sales talk that I mistrust. Blackstone's Slick Flip
Blackstone has sold many of EOP's office properties, often for record prices, since buying the real-estate firm five months ago.
After a couple of months, I'm ready to report that a phone like this has some unexpected downsides. First, the darned thing is so thin and slick, it's hard to hold; a rigid thin slab is not actually very easy to hold in your round, fleshy palm. As one owner commented online, "The metal casing was way too slick, and I always felt like I was going to drop it unless I kept it in a death grip."

sincere Show phonetics adjective (of a person, feelings or behaviour) not pretending or lying; honest: a sincere apology He seems so sincere. NOTE: The opposite is insincere. sincerely Show phonetics adverb honestly and without pretending or lying: I'm sincerely grateful. sincerity Show phonetics noun [U] honesty: The priest was a man of deep sincerity.

Home Depot’s CEO Cleans up.

clean (sth) up (MONEY) phrasal verb [M] SLANG to win a lot of money: 〔俗〕 大もうけする.

Meaning #2: make a big profit; often in a short period of time

Succeed, especially financially, as in We had fantastic luck at the races and really cleaned up. [Slang; first half of 1800s] We cleaned up at the poker table last night.
