2020年7月4日 星期六

proctor, invigilator, procurator, procurer/procuress

#BBC #BBCNews #Newsnight

Jeffrey Epstein’s ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell arrested and charged by FBI - BBC Newsnight


老鴇 (The Procuress)。
n. 皮條客
One who finds customers for a prostitute; a procurer.

To serve as a procurer of prostitutes.

[Origin unknown.]


Syllabification: (pro·cur·ess)
Pronunciation: /prəˈkyo͝oris, prō-/


a female procurer.


Syllabification: (pro·cur·er)
Pronunciation: /prəˈkyo͝orər, prō-/


  • a person who obtains a woman as a prostitute for another person.


late Middle English (denoting a steward): from Anglo-Norman French procurour, from Latin procurator (see procurator). Modern usage dates from the mid 17th century

procurator  (1) 會計;司賬;總務:教會之會計。 (2) 代表:修會(駐羅馬)之代表。 (3) 代理人:教會首長之代理人。

prior:上司;會長:指管理數個會院的修會領袖,又分為:(1) conventual prior:獨立隱修院之上司。(2) provincial prior:修會之省會長。(3) general prior:某些修會(如思定會…)的總會長。
Due to the generosity of Pope Honorius, a Dominican priory was established at San Sisto (Pope Saint Sixtus II, Martyr) on the Appian Way. Dominic, having received a revelation from God, called the brethren to the chapter room to announce the proximate deaths of four friars, two physically and two spiritually. Soon thereafter, his prediction proved true, for two men died, and two others left the Order for worldliness.
Miraculous Feeding of The BrethrenThe community at San Sisto had grown very numerous. One day, Dominic was informed by the procurator that their begging had produced almost no food. He ordered the brethren, nevertheless, to gather at table for their meal. He then prayed and suddenly two young men or angels, looking mysteriously alike, came into the refectory to dispense a portion of bread and wine to each friar. The same procurator told of a similar miracle on another occasion.

The History of Saint Dominic

proctor, invigilator


A supervisor especially of an examination or dormitory in a school.tr.v., -tored, -tor·ing, -tors.

To supervise (an examination).

[Middle English procutor, proctour, university officer, manager, from procuratour. See procurator.]

在20世紀30年代 劍橋大學等,
proctor (學監) 每出巡 旁邊有兩人 叫 bulldog (猛犬)Proctor, an English variant of the word procurator, is a person who takes charge or acts for another. The word proctor is frequently used to describe someone who oversees an exam or dormitory.

The title is used in England in three principal senses:
In law a proctor is an attorney or solicitor acting in some courts.
In the church a proctor represents the clergy in Church of England dioceses.

In education a Proctor is the name of important university officials in certain universities, for example at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

━━ n. 【英大学】学生監; 〔米〕 試験監督官; 【英法】代理人, 代訴人.
━━ vt. 〔米〕 試験監督をする.

invigilate UK
verb [I or T] (US proctor)
to watch people taking an exam in order to check that they do not cheat:
Miss Jekyll will be invigilating (your chemistry exam) today.

invigilator UK Hide phonetics
noun [C] (US proctor)
If you need more paper, please ask the invigilator.
