2020年7月11日 星期六

community, a tightly knit community, bedroom communities

Trump Is Selling White Grievance. The Suburbs Aren’t Buying It.

By Katie Glueck
As the president casts himself as a bulwark against “angry mobs,” there are signs that he is alienating voters in bedroom communities who view him as a deeply flawed messenger on issues of race.

community  (1) 教會會眾;團契:天主子民的組合(教會),特別指參與教會禮儀的眾信友;全稱為 community of the faithful  (2) 修會團體;共同生活。
community, basic :基層教會團體。詳見 Basic Christian Community 
community development :社區發展:教會多年前就早已在臺灣各地推行社區服務運動。

closely/tightly knit (ALSO close/tight-knit)
closely connected:
a very close-knit family
a tightly knit community

bedroom communities
bedroom community is a residential area in which a large number of people live but do not work. They come home to sleep, but the rest of their lives are spent where they work, socialize, and take part in activities that interest them.
