2020年7月11日 星期六

defrost, River Thames frost fairs

According to Ipsos Mori, 48% of Britons have gained weight during lockdown. Perhaps because their eating habits have gone back in time

eow.alc.co.jp › search › q=defrost

defrost 【他動】 ~から氷や霜を取り除く ~を解凍する・It is possible to defrost the frozen fish in a...【発音】[US] difrɔ́st | difrɔ́st | [UK] diːfrɔ́st【カナ】[US]ディフロストゥ【変化】《動》defrosts | defrosting | defrosted - アルクがお届けするオンライン ...

英語での defrost の意味 - Cambridge Dictionary
dictionary.cambridge.org › dictionary › english › defrost

2020/07/01 - Interestingly, the younger families tended to be less likely to defrost food outside the refrigerator and to keep eggs over 1 week. Cambridge English Corpus から. Secretions from frozen larvae were obtained by defrosting them ...

Experts say there are abundant deposits of gas hydrates in the seabed and in some Arctic regions. Japan, together with Canada, has already succeeded in extracting gas from methane hydrate trapped in permafrost soil. U.S. researchers are carrying out similar test projects on the North Slope of Alaska.

River Thames frost fairs were held on the Tideway of the River Thames at London between the 15th and 19th centuries when the river froze over. During that time the British winter was more severe than now, and the river was wider and slower.
During the Great Frost of 1683–84, the worst frost recorded in England,[1][2][3] the Thames was completely frozen for two months, the ice 11 inches (28 cm) thick at London. Solid ice was reported extending for miles off the coasts of the southern North Sea (EnglandFrance and the Low Countries), causing severe problems for shipping and preventing the use of many harbours.[4] Near Manchester, the ground was frozen to 27 inches; in Somerset, to more than 4 feet.

太陽活動變少 英國罕見嚴冬可能再度出現
 【4/15 17:35】

〔中央社〕科學家表示,若河道一凍結就會持續長達數個月,英國的河川將可能再度成為「冰凍博覽會」(frost fair)會場。

倫敦「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,儘管部分學說聲稱全球暖化正導致大西洋冰河溶化和溫度上升,但專家警告,英國可能再次面臨17世紀末以來罕見的寒冬。

1500、1600年代「小冰河時期」(Little Ice Age)的冬天相當寒冷,倫敦泰晤士河(Thames)往往一凍結就是3個月。




這項發布於英國物理學會(Institute ofPhysics)期刊「環境研究快報」(EnvironmentalResearch Letters)的理論,將能協助解釋為何英國才剛瑟瑟發抖地度過31年來最寒冷的冬天。



瑞丁大學(Reading University)學者說:「這次冬天是英國160年來排名第14冷的超級嚴冬,但是全球平均溫度卻是同期第15高。我們發現這種異常在太陽活動不頻繁時較常出現。」

這項報告的主要作者洛克伍德(Mike Lockwood)教授表示,這種趨勢不代表冬天一定會變得更冷,但可能性將較之前提高。(譯者:中央社戴雅真)


 River Thames frost fairs「冰凍博覽會」似乎不宜稱為(frost fairs),市集而已。
The Frost Fair of 1683[16]

  1. 1(お祭的要素の強い)にぎやかな屋外娯楽イベント,フェア
  2. 1a((米))(屋外・公園などで行う)農畜産物品評会(◇しばしば遊ぶための大きな乗り物・ゲームなどが用意される)
    • state fair
    • ステートフェア
  3. 1b移動遊園地(funfair,((米))carnival
  4. 1c((英))(学校・教会などが行う資金集めのための)バザー,慈善市(fete,((米))carnival)(◇飲食屋台・賞品のあるゲームなどが主な企画)
  5. 2(商品などを展示・販売する)博覧会,見本市
  6. 3就職説明会(job [career(s)] fair)
  7. 4((英やや古))(かつての)家畜[農産物]市場
