(design engineering) A frame of metal bars that is installed in a racing car around the driver's seat to protect the driver in the event of an accident.
roll cage
齊教授以敬謹認真的 態度負責編務,在「我們台灣文學很重要」的共識下,引領著一群人把台灣文學推到國際文壇的聚光燈下。效率高超的她,多次戲稱自己是「奴隸頭子」 (slave driver),催逼手下這群人幹活。筆者也曾被抓公差,一字一句對照中文原文來校訂英譯,務求譯文的忠實、暢達、優美,親身體會她的工作態度、要求與效 率。
driverless 無人駕駛
Driverless car: Google awarded US patent for technology
BBC News
Google says the landing strip could simply be a mark on the ground, a sign on a wall, or lines or arrows showing where the vehicle should be parked. To detect which landing strip it has been parked at, the document says the car could activate a GPS ...
slave driver
a person who makes other people work very hard:
My boss is a real slave driver.
- a supervisor of slaves at work.
IN BRIEF: n. - The operator of a motor vehicle. Also: (computer science) A program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device.
