2020年7月21日 星期二

enrich, imbibe, blowback, step up, chime in

U.S. Accuses Hackers of Trying to Steal Vaccine Data for China

Two suspects targeted companies working on vaccines as part of a broader campaign to enrich themselves and aid the Chinese government, officials said.

Facing ‘a Lot of Blowback,’ Trump’s Surgeon General Steps Up

Dr. Jerome Adams is poised to take on a more prominent role in the Trump administration’s coronavirus response. Are his bosses willing to back him?
At meetings of Mr. Trump’s coronavirus task force, Dr. Adams is often a quiet presence, but he chimes in on his signature issue: racial disparities in health. 

Less than a third of South African adults drink alcohol, but those who do imbibe about twice as much each as the average boozer elsewhere

In a print and outdoor campaign, with a budget estimated at $7 million to $8 million, Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum is urging consumers to “Sip up.” The goal of the humorous campaign, by DeVito/Verdi in New York, is to woo those who typically drink so-called brown goods like pricey Scotches and whiskys by presenting two varieties of Appleton Estate brown rums as good enough to imbibe on their own.

 on Tuesday reported a $8.9 billion loss for the second quarter and slashed its stock dividend to 5 cents per share from 37.5 cents, as the giant lender continued to suffer from the crisis in the credit markets and the hangover from its purchase of Golden West Financial in 2006.

'Everyday Drinking,' by Kingsley Amis: Properly Soused

"大家好:我們好久沒有一起品酒了,這個星期我們來讀一篇有關品酒的文章過過癮。這篇登在第一版最底下:Mischievous Odes to the Joys of Drinking by Dwight Garner.
這 篇文章基本上是已故英國小說家 Kingsley Amis最近有人幫他出版的一本書(由已絕版的三本書結合而成)"Everyday Drinking" 的書評。這本書告訴讀者如何喝酒喝得很有品味,同時也告訴讀者如何解決宿醉(hangover) 的問題。有趣的是,Amis把宿醉分成 physical hangover(身體的宿醉)和 metaphysical hangover(形而上的宿醉)。其中以解決形而上的宿醉最有趣。Amis建議去讀米爾頓的《失樂園》、索忍尼辛的小說等等。什麼是形而上的宿醉?大家 可以從文章裡找到答案。大家要注意的是,metaphysical 這個形容詞雖然是 meta + physical,它的名詞是 metaphysics。但 physical 這個字可以表示身體的,也可以表示自然法則,所以自然科學或物理科學是 physical science。所以,metaphysical hangover大家就可以從這兩方面去聯想,英文常有這種雙關的含意,很難用中文去傳達,體會就好,不必去追究確切的意思。

另外標題上的 mischievous有頑皮和惡意兩種意思,這兩種行為好像只有一線之隔,很有意思。大家可以看看作者的用意是前者還是後者?還是兩者都有?"

HC 幫忙查字典

hangover (ILLNESS) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol:
had a terrible hangover the next morning.
a hangover cure
See also hung-over.
noun [C]
something that continues from an earlier time:
The present political system is a hangover from the nineteenth century colonial era.

1 [I or T] FORMAL OR HUMOROUS to drink, especially alcohol:
Have you been imbibing again?

2 [T] to receive and accept information, etc.souse Show phonetics
verb [T]
to put something into a liquid, or to make something completely wet

chime in

— phrasal verb with chime verb I or T ]
to interrupt or speak in a conversation, usually to agree with what has been said:
"It's very difficult," I said. "Impossible," she chimed in.
Andy chimed in with his view of the situation.

noun U ]
 mainly US
 /ˈbləʊ.bæk/ US 

negative reactions or results that were not intended, such as criticismprotest, or anger:
If he tried to control immigration, there would be blowback from farmers who could not get workers to pick produce.


The initial state of the membrane is that of a dormant, imbibed seed at low temperature (1).
It is now common practice to imbibe dehydrated tissue slowly, to permit the re-establishment of functional membranes, prior to placing the tissue into liquid water.
