First Digital Pill Approved to Worries About Biomedical 'Big Brother'
The medicine, an antipsychotic drug, has a sensor that will show doctors whether and when patients are taking it. Other medicines will follow, experts say.
Dream Chaser Space Plane Aces Glide Test
Built by Sierra Nevada Corporation, the space plane that brings to mind NASA's retired shuttles completed a successful test flight and landing on Saturday.
It's Time to Tax Companies for Using Our Personal Data
Companies are making a fortune by using personal data gleaned from the internet. They would barely notice a 1 percent tax, but it could make a better world.
Donald Trump has delivered a strong message not only to Syria’s dictator but also to the wider world.
FT View: Donald Trump puts Bashar al-Assad on notice
By sending a salvo of missiles, Mr Trump has put Assad on notice
By refusing to rein in oil production while prices fell, the Saudis permitted a big surplus to grow and served notice on higher-cost rivals that they would not prop up other people’s profit margins at the expense of their own market share. Oil is being stored in the hope that demand and prices will pick up later. So stocks, plus renewed political worries, have pushed the price of oil back over $60http://econ.st/1G3TADE
Ukraine Puts ‘Extremists’ on Notice After Deadly Clashes
The authorities announced a nationwide “anti-terrorist” crackdown on
Wednesday, saying groups had torched buildings and seized arms, a day
after the capital roiled with the worst violence yet in three months of
Doubting Assurances, Japanese Find Radioactivity on Their Own
New York Times
By KEN BELSON IWAKI, Japan — Kiyoko Okoshi had a simple goal when she spent about $625 for a dosimeter: she missed her daughter and grandsons and wanted them to come home. Chuhei Sakai, left, a farmer, and Shinzo Kimura, a specialist in
Google: 'We Don't Want to Be a Utility'
New York Times
Google Google's PowerMeter allows consumers to monitor their home energy use from any Web connection. Ed Lu, the former astronaut and now program manager ...
按: general counsel 法務主任等
A general counsel is the chief lawyer of a legal department, usually in a corporation or government department. The term is most used in the United States. The status and prominence of the general counsel has grown much over the past 10 years as is evidenced by the large number of lawyers who come into the role from private practice.
"We want to put them on notice that it’s just not something that really belongs in school."
put someone on notice:片語,提醒某人、讓某人注意。例句︰I had put you on notice about these risks.(我提醒過你注意這些風險。)
notice: West's Encyclopedia of American Law (Full Article) from ...
When a party is "put on notice" that they are in violation, continued action in
violation may be sufficient to evidence knowledge. ...
put someone on notice (or serve notice)
- We just want to put him on notice to remind him what we will be doing.
- ISPs have been made responsible for removing illegal and harmful content under so-called notice and takedown procedures, once they have been put on notice by a complainant.
- Another 300 letters will go to bars and clubs in Hong Kong putting them on notice of what constitutes the legal and illegal screening of pay-TV services.

An instrument that measures and indicates the amount of x-rays or radiation absorbed in a given period.
u·til·i·ty (yū-tĭl'ĭ-tē)

n., pl., -ties.
- The quality or condition of being useful; usefulness: "I have always doubted the utility of these conferences on disarmament" (Winston S. Churchill).
- A useful article or device.
- A public utility.
- A commodity or service, such as electricity, water, or public transportation, that is provided by a public utility.
- Computer Science. A utility program.
- Used, serving, or working in several capacities as needed, especially:
- Prepared to play any of the smaller theatrical roles on short notice: a utility cast member.
- Capable of playing as a substitute in any of several positions: a utility infielder.
- Designed for various often heavy-duty practical uses: a utility knife; a utility vehicle.
- Raised or kept for the production of a farm product rather than for show or as pets: utility livestock.
- Of the lowest U.S. Government grade: utility beef.
[Middle English utilite, from Old French, from Latin ūtilitās, from ūtilis, useful, from ūtī, to use.]