2019年7月20日 星期六

supermajority. cut flowers,


In a post-election news conference, Abe said his longtime goal isn’t out of reach and he will to try to compromise with those working against him.

“Jefferson saw history as largely a chronicle of mistakes to be avoided.
Daniel Boorstin, the former Librarian of Congress, has wisely said that trying to plan for the future without a sense of the past is like trying to plant cut flowers.”
《The Course of Human Events》
BY DAVID MCCULLOUGH,Jefferson Lecture 2003,

supermajority or supra-majority or a qualified majority, is a requirement for a proposal to gain a specified level of support which is greater than the threshold of more than one-half used for majority. Related concepts regarding alternatives to ...
スーパー・マジョリティ条項とは、敵対的買収防衛策のひとつで、株主総会における決議要件を厳しくする条項を定款に定めること。株主総会における決議要件を非常に厳しくしておくことで、買収者が買収後の重要な意思決定をしにくい状態にし、買収者の買収 ...
Supermajority definition is - a majority (such as two-thirds or three-fifths) that is greater than a simple majority. How to use supermajority in a sentence.

cut flowers

Cut flowers are flowers or flower buds that have been cut from the plant bearing it. It is usually removed from the plant for decorative use. 



切り花は、咲き始めやつぼみの状態にある植物の花を、枝・茎または葉をつけて切り取りったもの。姿を整えて水を張った花器に挿し、玄関や居室に飾り、あるいは仏壇や墓前に供えられる。またはそのために用いられる花のことである。生花ということもあり、仏壇や墓地に供える花のことを仏花ということもある。 ウィキペディア
