2017年11月27日 星期一

shopworn, well-worn, becoming, ending, hackneyed, commonplace, turns a shopworn simile into a fresh, rousing story, divest

In China, men are considered shopworn if they are unmarried at 25.

Men are considered shopworn if they are unmarried at 25. By contrast, no woman is thought too old to marry

Children's Books
'In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb'
Reviewed by PAMELA PAUL

How to explain to a child the vexing, seemingly unending misery that is March? The picture book "In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb" turns a shopworn simile into a fresh, rousing story.

That old dictum, write what you know? I’ve always thought that was terrible advice. Most of us don’t know much. And what we do know can feel shopworn in the retelling. Shopworn or just divested of emotional content. Sometimes, the things we’re closest to — our lives, for instance — are the very things we least want to examine with rigor.


Japan's Killer Work Ethic
Washington Post - United States
By Blaine Harden TOKYO -- Death from too much work is so commonplace in Japan that there is a word for it -- karoshi. There is a national karoshi hotline, ...

Spammers are bypassing corporate defenses by hiding their pitches for penny stocks and pornography in PDF attachments. Security firms have been caught off guard, even though the attacks rely on a well-worn technology.
垃圾電子信採用pdf方式出奇制勝 雖然它們使用的科技平凡得很 但跳過一般公司的保安措施

(Reuters) - One day after Google's surprise announcement that Larry Page would once again run the company, investors and industry insiders were wondering if he is up to a now very different job.
The 38-year-old co-founder of the world's No. 1 Internet search company will replace Eric Schmidt as chief executive officer in April, at a time when Google Inc is facing tough competition from Facebook and Twitter.
It seems straight out of a well-worn Silicon Valley script -- but with which ending?

(wĕl'wôrn', -wōrn')
  1. Showing signs of much wear or use.
  2. Repeated too often; trite or hackneyed.
  3. Carried or worn in a becoming manner: well-worn fame.
1 使い古した
well-worn shoes
2 身についた.
3 陳腐な.

1 〈服装などが〉(…に)似合う, うつりがよい((to, on ...))
a hairdo becoming to her
2 〈行為などが〉(…に)ふさわしい, 適切な((to, in, for ...)).

  1. A conclusion or termination.
  2. A concluding part; a finale: a happy ending.
  3. Grammar. The final morpheme added to a word base to make an inflectional form, such as -ed in walked.

hackneyed Pronunciation(adjective) Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.
Synonyms:banal, old-hat, stock, threadbare, timeworn, trite, well-worn, tired, shopworn, commonplace
Usage:For God's sake do not thrust upon me your hackneyed remarks, repeated to nausea, that "I was only a dreamer," while they even then had an understanding of life.

commonplace (ORDINARY) Show phonetics
happening frequently or often seen or experienced and so not considered to be special:
Home computers are increasingly commonplace.

The adjective well-worn has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: showing signs of much wear or use
Meaning #2: repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Synonyms: banalcommonplacehackneyedshopwornstockthreadbaretimeworntiredtrite

adj. - 用舊了的, 平凡的, 陳腐的
日本語 (Japanese)
adj. - 使い古した, 月並みな, 陳腐な


 UK  /ˈʃɒp.wɔːn/ US  /ˈʃɑːp.wɔːrn/

us uk shop-soiled If goods sold in shops are shopworn, they are slightlydirty or damaged and therefore reduced in price

us If a story or joke is shopworn, it is boring or not interestingbecause it is so familiar to people.

(shŏp'wôrn', -wōrn') pronunciation

  1. Tarnished, frayed, faded, or otherwise defective from being on display in a store.
  2. Worn-out, as from overuse; trite: shopworn anecdotes.

1 〈商品などが〉棚ざらしの(((英))shopsoiled);〈人が〉いつまでも芽が出ない.
2 つまらない, 単調な;陳腐な.



(of an article) made dirty or imperfect by being displayed or handled in a shop: he is selling second-hand or shop-soiled goods  
figurative   his subject—the nature of the artist in relation to his society—is pretty shop-soiled

(rou'zĭng) pronunciation
  1. Inducing enthusiasm or excitement; stirring: a rousing sermon.
  2. Lively; vigorous: a rousing march tune.
  3. Used as an intensive: a rousing lie.
rousingly rous'ing·ly adv.
