2017年11月4日 星期六

growth, annual ring, grow on trees

To be defined as a SuperAger, the participants needed to score at or above the norm of the 50 to 65 year olds on memory screenings. “These are a special group of people,” Rogalski said. They aren't growing on trees.”Aug 17, 2012

grow on trees


  • usually with negative Be plentiful or easily obtained.
    ‘jobs don't grow on trees’

 was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
growth noun
1 [U] The growth of a person, animal or plant is its process of increasing in size:
A balanced diet is essential for healthy growth.Plant growth is most noticeable in spring and early summer.
2 [U] an increase in the size or the importance of something:
The government is trying to limit population growth.
The rapid growth of opposition to the plan has surprised the council.
Electronic publishing is a growth area (= an area of activity that is increasing in size and developing quickly).
3 [C] a lump growing on the outside or inside of a person, animal or plant which is caused by a disease:
a cancerous growth on the liver
4 [C or U] something which has grown:
Graham came back from holiday with a week's growth of beard on his chin.
growth hormone
old growth
organic growth

━━ n. 生[成]長, 発育, 発達; 増大; 栽培; 育った[はえた]もの, 産物, 結果; できもの; 【医】腫瘍(しゅよう).
growth factor 【生化】発育因子, 成長因子, 増殖因子.
growth hormone 成長ホルモン.
growth industry 成長産業.
growth ring 【植】年輪 (annual ring).
growth stocks 【株】成長株.
growth substance 【植】生長物質.

  • an annual ring.


  • その樹木の年輪における炭素14の測定
  • measurement of carbon-14 in the tree ring
  • 偽年輪
  • false annual [growth] ring
  • 偽年輪(樹木の)
  • false ring《植物》〔1年のうちの成長期に、干ばつなどの理由で成長が止まったときにできる年輪のように見えるもの。完全な輪にならないことが多い。〕
  • 年輪
  • annual growth ring《植物》//growth rings//yearly growth rings
  • 年輪(木の)
  • annual [growth] ring//ring《植物》
