Working From Home, Without the Sideshows
With a little organization, it can be as productive as working at the office.
China-Japan dispute lifts lid on enmity |
Morgan Stanley Conflict is No Sideshow The extreme enmity between Morgan Stanley co-heads Colm Kelleher and Paul Taubman detailed in a recent Bloomberg article is not a unique occurrence among the senior executives of investment banks, The Epicurean Dealmaker writes.
In America, a sideshow is an extra, secondary production associated with a circus, carnival, fair or other such attraction.
an·tag·o·nism (ăn-tăg'ə-nĭz'əm) n.
- Hostility that results in active resistance, opposition, or contentiousness. See synonyms at enmity.
- The condition of being an opposing principle, force, or factor: the inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism.
- Biochemistry. Interference in the physiological action of a chemical substance by another having a similar structure.
- 発音記号[énməti]
[名][C][U]((形式))(…に対する)憎悪, 憎しみ, 恨み, 悪意;対立((with, toward, against, for ...))
[中フランス語←俗ラテン語inimīcitāt (in-ない+amīcus友だちの+-ITY=友だちでない状態). △ENEMY]
be at enmity with ...
…と反目している, に敵意をいだいている
…と反目している, に敵意をいだいている
cherish enmity against ...
An embolism is an obstruction in a blood vessel due to a blood clot or other foreign matter that gets stuck while traveling through the bloodstream. The plural of embolism is emboli.
pulmonary embolism
par·ox·ysm (păr'ək-sĭz'əm)
- A sudden outburst of emotion or action: a paroxysm of laughter.
- A sudden attack, recurrence, or intensification of a disease.
- A spasm or fit; a convulsion.
[Middle English paroxism, periodic attack of a disease, from Medieval Latin paroxysmus, from Greek paroxusmos, from paroxūnein, to stimulate, irritate : para-, intensive pref.; see para-1 + oxūnein, to goad, sharpen (from oxus, sharp).]
paroxysmal par'ox·ys'mal (-ək-sĭz'məl) adj.NOUN
paroxysmally par'ox·ys'mal·ly adv.