2017年11月1日 星期三

shaft, shafted, Eros, punisher, bake something in, Anteros, prosper

On this day in 1776, Thomas Paine published his pamphlet “Common Sense,” setting forth his arguments in favor of American independence.

"Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first a patron, the last a punisher."

What's going on here?

Insecurity is now baked into every aspect of the employment relationship.

Reconstruction of the burial shaft, showing the queen's retinue and the ox drivers (1928)

Modern Flourishes as Obamas Host State Dinner
At their first state dinner, President Obama and his wife, Michelle, made sure to infuse the glittering gala with distinctive touches.

bake something in

Incorporate something as an integral part of aproduct, service, or system:we have baked in XML web services as part of the core of our platform(as adjective baked-inthe company continues to place a heavy emphasis on baked-in security

flour·ish (flûr'ĭsh, flŭr'-) pronunciation
v., -ished, -ish·ing, -ish·es. v.intr.
  1. To grow well or luxuriantly; thrive: The crops flourished in the rich soil.
  2. To do or fare well; prosper: "No village on the railroad failed to flourish" (John Kenneth Galbraith).
  3. To be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence: a poet who flourished in the tenth century.
  4. To make bold, sweeping movements: The banner flourished in the wind.
To wield, wave, or exhibit dramatically.

  1. A dramatic or stylish movement, as of waving or brandishing: "A few ... musicians embellish their performance with a flourish of the fingers" (Frederick D. Bennett).
  2. An embellishment or ornamentation: a signature with a distinctive flourish.
  3. An ostentatious act or gesture: a flourish of generosity.
  4. Music. A showy or ceremonious passage, such as a fanfare.
[Middle English florishen, from Old French florir, floriss-, from Vulgar Latin *flōrīre, from Latin flōrēre, to bloom, from flōs, flōr-, flower.]
flourisher flour'ish·er n.
SYNONYMS flourish, brandish, wave. These verbs mean to swing back and forth boldly and dramatically: flourished her newly signed contract; brandish a sword; waving a baton.

Anteros by Alfred Gilbert, 1885; from the Shaftesbury Memorial in Piccadilly Circus.
In Greek mythology, Anteros (Greek: Ἀντέρως, Antérōs) was the god of requited love, literally "love returned" or "counter-love" and also the punisher of those who scorn love and the advances of others, or the avenger of unrequited love.
Anteros was the son of Ares and Aphrodite in Greek mythology, given to his brother Eros, who was lonely, as a playmate, the rationale being that love must be answered if it is to prosper. Alternatively, he was said to have arisen from the mutual love between Poseidon and Nerites.[1] Physically, he is depicted as similar to Eros in every way, but with long hair and plumed butterfly wings. He has been described also as armed with either a golden club or arrows of lead.
Anteros, with Eros, was one of a host of winged love gods called Erotes, the ever-youthful winged gods of love, usually depicted as winged boys in the company of Aphrodite or her attendant goddesses.
An altar to this god was put up by the metics in Athens in commemoration of the spurned love of the metic Timagoras who was rejected by the Athenian Meles[disambiguation needed ]. Upon hearing Timagoras' declaration of love for him, the young man mockingly ordered him to throw himself down from the top of a tall rock. Seeing Timagoras dead, Meles repented and threw himself down from the same rock.[2]
Describing the nature of the emotion, Plato asserts that it is the result of the great love for another person. The lover, inspired by beauty, is filled with divine love and "filling the soul of the loved one with love in return." As a result, the loved one falls in love with the lover, though the love is only spoken of as friendship. They experience pain when the two are apart, and relief when they are together, the mirror image of the lover's feelings, is anteros, or "counter-love."[3]
Anteros is the subject of the Shaftesbury Memorial in Piccadilly Circus, London, where he symbolises the selfless philanthropic love of the Earl of Shaftesbury for the poor. The memorial is sometimes given the name The Angel of Christian Charity and is popularly mistaken for Eros.[4]

1 (おの・ゴルフクラブなどの)柄,軸部,シャフト;矢柄;矢,やり;((比喩))(皮肉などの)鋭い攻撃,ほこ先,論鋒(ろんぽう)
shafts of wits
2 一条の光線;(稲妻の)ひらめき
a shaft of light
3 機械シャフト,軸.
4 旗ざお.
5 建築
6 (車の)長柄(ながえ).
7 (井戸のような)垂直坑,シャフト;採鉱立て坑.
8 動物羽軸.
9 枝状燭台(しょくだい)の軸.
1 〈矢じりなどに〉柄をつける.
2 ((しばしば受身))((俗))…をだます,ぺてんにかける;…にひどい仕打ちをする.


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1[NO OBJECT, WITH ADVERBIAL OF DIRECTION] (Of lightshine in beams:brilliant sunshine shafted through the skylight

2[WITH OBJECT] vulgar slang (Of a man) have sexual intercourse with (a woman).
2.1informal Treat (someone) harshly or unfairly:suppose she’ll get a lawyer and I’ll be shafted
