2017年11月9日 星期四

broach, foray (ATTEMPT), breach, stateside, classified ad

Data Breaches Up Almost 50 Percent, Affecting Records of 35.7 Million People
French President Emmanuel Macron held hastily scheduled talks in Riyadh on Thursday with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman amid rising…


This is what the Bank of Japan may do next
The Bank of Japan's (BOJ) foray into negative interest rates hasn't yielded positive results, and the central bank's arsenal is getting thin. That's spurring ...

It is not LVMH's first foray into Chinese drinks production.

Businesses, governments and educational institutions reported nearly 50 percent more data breaches last year than in 2007, exposing the personal records of at least 35.7 million Americans, according to a nonprofit group that works to prevent identity fraud.
(By Brian Krebs, The Washington Post)

Everyone makes a point of emphasizing that Obama's address was much more critical of John McCain than his usual speeches. It "was less lofty than his earlier rhetorical forays, more specific on the policies he would pursue as president and more scathing toward McCain," the Washington Post summarizes.

這似乎是一個合適的由頭 ??,觸及??她愛喝酒這個話題,這跟她丈夫的幾乎滴酒不沾形成鮮明對比。 This seems like an excuse to broach the subject of her partiality for alcohol, a contrast to her husband's near-teetotalism.

Taxes in the Global Economy
Where is the politician who will take an over-my-dead-body approach to future tax holidays and who will broach the need for new corporate taxes?

Facing billions of dollars in losses from the subprime mortgage crisis, Merrill Lynch chairman and chief executive, E. Stanley O'Neal, floated the idea of a merger with a large bank, a foray that angered Merrill's board and could cost him his job, according to The New York Times.

Mr. O'Neal broached the possibility of a merger with Wachovia, the bank based in Charlotte, N.C., without first getting the approval of Merrill's board, a major breach of corporate protocol at a time when directors were already concerned about the company's performance, The Times said.

Fraud Case Shakes a Billionaire’s Caribbean Realm 
The story of Robert Allen Stanford’s rise is intimately linked to his foray on the island of Antigua.

eBay 進入分類廣告業

EBay has opened a free classified ads site in the U.S., its first foray stateside into an area that has been dominated by Craigslist.
這句可學到公司eBay Inc.在句首時要寫成EBay。

classified ad noun [C] (ALSO classified) INFORMAL
a small advertisement that you put in a newspaper or a magazine, usually because you want to sell or buy something or to find or offer a job


foray (ATTEMPT)
noun [C]進入某新領域.(新分野への)進出 ((into)).
a brief involvement in an activity which is different from and outside the range of a usual set of activities:
She made a brief foray into acting before becoming a teacher.

foray (VISIT)
noun [C]
a short visit, especially with a known purpose:
made a quick foray into town before lunch to get my sister a present.
adjective, adverb US
related to the US; in or towards the US:
a stateside job
Some girls dream of finding an American husband to transport them stateside (= to the United States).

noun [C]
an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement or relationship:
They felt that our discussions with other companies constituted a breach of/in our agreement.
He was sued for breach of contract.
There have been serious security breaches (= breaks in our security system).

verb [T] FORMAL
to break a law, promise, agreement or relationship:
They breached the agreement they had made with their employer.

broach (OPEN) Show phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
to open a bottle or barrel in order to drink its contents:
Shall we broach another cask of wine? ━━ n. 焼きぐし; (たるの)穴あけぎり; 教会の尖(せん)塔.
━━ v. (たるなどに)口を開ける; (話題などを)切出す.

broach (BEGIN)
verb [T]
to begin a discussion of something difficult:
At some point we've got to discuss money but I don't know quite how to broach the subject with him.

foray (ATTEMPT)
noun [C]
a brief involvement in an activity which is different from and outside the range of a usual set of activities:
She made a brief foray into acting before becoming a teacher.


(fôr'ā', fōr'ā', fŏr'ā')
  1. A sudden raid or military advance.
  2. A venture or an initial attempt, especially outside one's usual area: an actor's foray into politics.

v., -ayed, -ay·ing, -ays. v.intr.
  1. To make a raid.
  2. To make inroads, as for profit or adventure.
v.tr. Archaic.
To pillage in search of spoils.
[Middle English forrai, from forraien, to plunder, probably back-formation from forreour, raider, plunderer, from Old French forrier, from forrer, to forage. See forage.]

foray (ATTEMPT)
noun [C]
a brief involvement in an activity which is different from and outside the range of a usual set of activities:
She made a brief foray into acting before becoming a teacher.
