"Insight into the origin of a work concerns the physiologists and vivisectionists of the spirit; never the aesthetic man, the artist!"
― from "On the Genealogy of Morals"
― from "On the Genealogy of Morals"
Urban Dictionary: dine and dash
dine and dash - 7 definitions - The action to go in a restaurant,sit at a table, order whatever you want, eat and then leave quick without payin.
A dine and dash (also referred to as "dine and ditch", "chew and screw", or "running the check") is a form of theft, more specifically a form of fraud, in which a patron eats at a restaurant and then leaves without paying.
vivisection, vivify
tr.v., -fied, -fy·ing, -fies.
- To give or bring life to; animate: vivify a puppet; vivifying the brown grasslands.
- To make more lively, intense, or striking; enliven: A smile may vivify a face.
[Middle English vivifien, from Old French vivifier, from Late Latin vīvificāre : Latin vīvus, alive + Latin -ficāre, -fy.]
[動](他)…に生命[生気]を与える, を元気[活気]づける, 生き生きとさせる, 鮮明にする.
(vĭv'ĭ-sĕk'shən, vĭv'ĭ-sĕk'-)
The act or practice of cutting into or otherwise injuring living animals, especially for the purpose of scientific research.
vivisectional viv'i·sec'tion·al adj.
vivisectionally viv'i·sec'tion·al·ly adv.
vivisectionist viv'i·sec'tion·ist n.
1 生体解剖;((広義に))生体実験.
2 情け容赦のない[仮借なきまでの]批判[吟味, 検討, 追及].
v., dashed, dash·ing, dash·es.v.tr.
- To break or smash by striking violently.
- To hurl, knock, or thrust with sudden violence.
- To splash; bespatter.
- To write hastily. Often used with off: dashed off a note to the dean.
- To drink hastily. Often used with down: dashed down a glass of milk.
- To add an enlivening or altering element to.
- To affect by adding another element or ingredient to: ice cream that was dashed with rum.
- To destroy or wreck: Our dreams were dashed. See synonyms at blast.
- To confound; abash.
- To strike violently; smash.
- To move with haste; rush: dashed