2016年7月10日 星期日

vivisection, vivify, dine and dash

"Insight into the origin of a work concerns the physiologists and vivisectionists of the spirit; never the aesthetic man, the artist!"
― from "On the Genealogy of Morals"

Urban Dictionary: dine and dash

dine and dash - 7 definitions - The action to go in a restaurant,sit at a table, order whatever you want, eat and then leave quick without payin.

A dine and dash (also referred to as "dine and ditch", "chew and screw", or "running the check") is a form of theft, more specifically a form of fraud, in which a patron eats at a restaurant and then leaves without paying.

 vivisection, vivify

(vĭv'ə-fī') pronunciation
tr.v., -fied, -fy·ing, -fies.
  1. To give or bring life to; animate: vivify a puppet; vivifying the brown grasslands.
  2. To make more lively, intense, or striking; enliven: A smile may vivify a face.
[Middle English vivifien, from Old French vivifier, from Late Latin vīvificāre : Latin vīvus, alive + Latin -ficāre, -fy.]
[動](他)…に生命[生気]を与える, を元気[活気]づける, 生き生きとさせる, 鮮明にする.


(vĭv'ĭ-sĕk'shən, vĭv'ĭ-sĕk'-) pronunciation
The act or practice of cutting into or otherwise injuring living animals, especially for the purpose of scientific research.

1The practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentationor scientific research (used only by opponents of such work):the abolition of vivisection
1.1Ruthlessly sharp and detailed criticism or analysis:the vivisection of America’s seamy underbelly

[Latin vīvus, alive; see vivify + (DIS)SECTION.]
vivisectional viv'i·sec'tion·al adj.
vivisectionally viv'i·sec'tion·al·ly adv.
vivisectionist viv'i·sec'tion·ist n.
1 生体解剖;((広義に))生体実験.
2 情け容赦のない[仮借なきまでの]批判[吟味, 検討, 追及].
v., dashed, dash·ing, dash·es.v.tr.
  1. To break or smash by striking violently.
  2. To hurl, knock, or thrust with sudden violence.
  3. To splash; bespatter.
    1. To write hastily. Often used with off: dashed off a note to the dean.
    2. To drink hastily. Often used with down: dashed down a glass of milk.
    1. To add an enlivening or altering element to.
    2. To affect by adding another element or ingredient to: ice cream that was dashed with rum.
    1. To destroy or wreck: Our dreams were dashed. See synonyms at blast.
    2. To confound; abash.
  1. To strike violently; smash.
  2. To move with haste; rush: dashed
