2016年7月1日 星期五

lock-in, the cloud, late locked-in syndrome

Study proposes multi-cloud scheme could help businesses reduce storage costs by 20% and avoid cloud vendor lock-in issues. 

2013 誰能繼承喬布斯的“鎖入派”衣砵
喬布斯堪稱“鎖入派”(Lock in)大師,一旦落入他的羅網,不論消費者還是合作方,恐怕都難以輕易逃脫。系統思維,這是一份很難被人繼承的喬布斯遺產。

Right-to-die campaigners lose battleThe family of late locked-in syndrome sufferer Tony Nicklinson and paralysed road accident victim Paul Lamb lose their right-to-die Appeal Court... 

(usually the cloudComputing A network of remote servers hosted on the Internet and used to store, manage, and process data in place of local servers or personal computers:there’s a rich, complex, shared data store in the cloud[AS MODIFIER]: once you are logged in to your cloud storage space, you can upload files to it and share them with others

vendor lock in
1. Enclose, surround, as in The ship was completely locked in ice. [c. 1400s]
2. Also, lock into. Fix firmly in position, commit to something. This phrase often occurs as be locked in or into, as in She felt she was locked in a binding agreement, or Many of the stockholders are locked into their present positions. [Mid-1900s]




1An arrangement according to which a person or company is obliged to deal only with a specific company.
1.1A period during which a person or company is bound by the terms of a contract:[AS MODIFIER]: a lock-in period
2British A period during which customers are locked into a bar or pub after closing time to continue drinking privately.
3protest demonstration in which a group locks itself within an office or factory.
