2016年7月19日 星期二

holly, swag, What’s in a name?

A baby's name can have a profound impact on her life. American monikers are becoming more original but an outbreak of Tyrions, Neds, Sansas, and Aryas suggests that some parents are picking their children’s names from “Game of Thrones” http://econ.st/1DvgtSi‪#‎econarchive‬ (2013)

What’s in a name?
American monikers are becoming more originalA BABY’S name can affect his life profoundly. That was the reason a Tennessee judge gave for changing the name of...

不可思議的城市。窄窄的街路,中間行車,路邊停車,兩側走人,還有餘地種花樹,而且種得扶疏茂密,婀娜婆娑,有桂樹,辛夷,紫薇,橘樹,冬青。冬青有幾種,硬枝刺葉的Foster's holly,披散舒張的Savannah holly,不管哪種,都有蒼鬱油亮的綠葉,鮮麗耀目的紅果子。

decorative garland or chain of flowersfoliage, or fruit fastened so as to hang in a drooping curve:swags of holly and mistletoe

hollyLine breaks: holly

Definition of holly in English:


widely distributed evergreen shrub, typically havingprickly dark green leaves, small white flowers, andred berries.
  • Genus Ilex, family Aquifoliaceae: many species, in particular I. aquifolium


Middle English holi, shortened form of Old Englishholegnholen, of Germanic origin; related to GermanHulst.
