2016年2月4日 星期四

stemwinder, steamroller, steamroll

the finale of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony


As Mr. Chen finished his stemwinder, the finale of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony blasted over the speakers. “Protect our way of life, uphold our character ... come out to vote!” he implored. “Let’s give the Democratic Progressive Party a powerful start to its time in office!”


hc comments: "the finale of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony", not "Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony" only. 

Ruling parties steamroll gas tax bill through the Lower House

With the opposition helpless to act, the ruling coalition Wednesday used a seldom-used rule and steamrolled bills through the Lower House to revive higher gas tax rates and other road-specific taxes. [more]

steamrollersteamroll (FORCE)

verb [T] 
to use great force to make (someone) do something or to make (something) happen
He steamrollered the bill through Congress.

steamroller (VEHICLE) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a vehicle which moves forward on a large heavy wheel in order to make a road surface flat

    1. A steam-driven machine equipped with a heavy roller for smoothing road surfaces.
    2. A similar machine with an internal-combustion engine.
  1. A ruthless or irresistible force or power.

v. also steam·roll (-rōl'), -roll·ered also -rolled-roll·er·ing -roll·ing-roll·ers -rollsv.tr.
  1. To smooth or level (a road) with a steamroller.
  2. To overwhelm or suppress ruthlessly; crush.
To move or proceed with overwhelming or crushing force.

The noun has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way
Synonym: juggernaut
Meaning #2: vehicle equipped with heavy wide smooth rollers for compacting roads and pavements
Synonym: road roller

The verb steamroller has 4 meanings:
Meaning #1: bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure
Synonym: steamroll
Meaning #2: proceed with great force
Synonym: steamroll
Meaning #3: crush with a steamroller as if to level
Meaning #4: overwhelm by using great force
Synonym: steamroll

Careless writers sometimes use the word to disparage a speech that drags on too long (e.g., "the Bill Clinton of 1988, who gave a tedious stemwinder … that has gone down in the books as the worst nominating speech in ...
