2016年2月7日 星期日

swung hard, invariable, intently, steadfastly, revelatory, matrix

“He spent long hours meditating on the wisdom of loving living things which invariably ended up dead.” 
― from "Such a Long Journey" by Rohinton Mistry

Barnes did so much, more than he was capable of knowing. We can know how much only if his orchestrations are taken apart and rearranged ever so slightly and briefly, once in a while. It is great that Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, the architects, adhered to his vision so sensitively, providing a kind of unwaveringly accurate baseline. But every so often the pieces of even his most revelatory ensembles should be freed from his matrix, just as his amazing achievement has been liberated from Merion. 
In a preliminary analysis, the Center for Responsive Politics has found that individuals and political action committees linked to the financial and real estate sectors swung hard to the Republicans with their giving since last year.


adv.With strenuous effort; intently: worked hard all day; stared hard at the accused criminal.With great force, vigor, or energy: pressed hard on the lever.In such a way as to cause great damage or hardship: industrial cities hit hard by unemployment.With great distress, grief, or bitterness: took the divorce hard.Firmly; securely: held hard to the railing.Toward or into a solid condition: concrete that sets hard within a day.Near in space or time; close: The factory stands hard by the railroad tracks.Nautical. Completely; fully: hard alee.idioms:hard and fastDefined, fixed, and invariable: hard and fast rules.hard of hearingHaving a partial loss of hearing.One who has a partial loss of hearing.hard putUndergoing great difficulty: Under the circumstances, he was hard put to explain himself.hard up Informal.In need; poor.[Middle English, from Old English heard.]SYNONYMS hard, difficult, arduous. These adjectives mean requiring great physical or mental effort to do, achieve, or master. Hard is the most general term: "You write with ease to show your breeding,/But easy writing's curst hard reading"(Richard Brinsley Sheridan). Difficult and hard are interchangeable in many instances. Difficult, however, is often preferable where the need for skill or ingenuity is implied: "All poetry is difficult to read,/-The sense of it is, anyhow" (Robert Browning).Arduous applies to burdensome labor or sustained physical or spiritual effort: "knowledge at which [Isaac] Newton arrived through arduous and circuitous paths" (Thomas Macaulay).

thinking intently of his own name. 繫念不散
adv.In an intent manner; as, the eyes intently fixed. Syn. -- Fixedly; steadfastly; earnestly; attentively; sedulously; diligently; eagerly.
1 [U]意図, 意向, (…する)意志((to do));目的;《法律》意思;故意. ⇒INTENTION[類語]
true intent
with intent to defraud
wound a person by intent
2 [U][C]意味, 趣旨
What is the intent of this?
to all intents (and purposes)
((主に話))どの点からみても, 実際は, 事実上
He was to all intents and purposes a coward.

1 〈物が〉堅い, 固い, 硬い, 硬質の(⇔soft). ⇒FIRM1[類語]

a hard mineral
hard ground
a hard apple
hard as steel
2 〈物が〉じょうぶに作られた;〈結び目などが〉固い, ほどきにくい;〈体が〉がんじょうな

a hard knot
3 〈人が〉(仕事などに)熱心な, 精を出す, 勤勉な((at ...))

a hard worker
努力家, 働き者
be hard after a prize
(1) 〈仕事・問題などが〉困難な, 思うようにならない, 難解な(⇔easy)

a hard problem
find it hard to do
(2) [it is hard (for) B to do/be hard (for B) to do]〈人・物が(B(人)にとって)〉…しにくい

It is hard to get up early in the morning.
It is hard for foreigners to learn Japanese. [=Japanese is hard for foreigners to learn. ]
5 〈状況・生活などが〉つらい, 耐えがたい, きびしい条件の;〈価格が〉高い

a hard schedule
have a hard life
6 〈運動・動作などが〉激しい, 勢いのすさまじい, 猛烈な;〈天候などが〉きびしい

a hard blow
a hard rain
a hard winter
He drank the whisky in two hard swallows.
(1) 〈言動・扱いなどが〉過酷な, 無情な;((略式))〈人が〉タフな

hard use
a hard master
(2) 〈出来事・事実などが〉(人に)こたえる, 耐えがたい((on ...))

Watching the display screen for hours is very hard on me. [=It is very hard on me watching ...]
8 〈観察などが〉鋭い, 容赦ない, 情に流されない

take a (long) hard look at ...
9 〈事実・証拠などが〉厳然とした, 確かな

hard evidence
hard facts
まぎれもない事実, 現実
hard information
10 〈写真・フィルムが〉明暗対照のはっきりした, 硬調の.
(1) (小切手などに対して)現金の;(紙幣と区別して)硬貨の.
(2) 〈市況などが〉強気の, 手堅い.
(1) 〈酒が〉強い;〈飲み物が〉アルコール分を含む.
(2) 〈水が〉硬質の. ▼せっけんの泡が立ちにくい.
13 〈織物が〉(比較的)けばの少ない, なめらかな.
14 〈音・声が〉硬い, 金属性の, 不快な, 耳ざわりな;〈色が〉どぎつい, 濃い;〈文体が〉かたい

a hard tone
15 〈食べ物が〉粗末な;〈パンが〉固くかりかりした.
16 ((限定))〈麻薬・薬などが〉中毒性の, 習慣性の.
17 〈(ロケット・宇宙船の)着陸が〉硬着陸の.
18 《軍事》地下壕(ごう)で堅固に核爆撃から守られている;〈ミサイル基地が〉地下にミサイル発射設備のある.
19 《農業》〈小麦が〉硬質の, グルテン含有量の高い.
20 《製綱》強撚(きょうねん)の, 撚(よ)り度の高い.
21 《音声学》
(2) 硬音の:c, gが 〔s〕 〔d でなく, 〔k〕 と発音される場合.
22 《物理学》〈X線などが〉強力な, 透過力の大きい.
23 〈ポルノが〉非常にわいせつな;((俗))〈ペニスが〉勃起(ぼっき)した(⇒HARD-ON).

(as) hard as nails(1) 〈人が〉鍛えられた, たくましい, 頑健な.
(2) 〈人が〉非情な, 冷酷な.
hard and fast(1) =hard-and-fast.
(2) 〈座礁した船が〉まったく動かない, びくともしない.
hard going(1) 〈仕事などが〉たいへんな.
(2) たいくつな.
hard on ...(1) 〈人に〉つらく当たる;〈物を〉手荒く扱う, 台なしにする

You are being too hard on him.
His rough handling was hard on our word processor.
(2) ⇒[形]7 (2)
hard up(1) ((略式))非常に金に困って.
(2) (…が)払底して, 欠乏して((for ...)).
play hard to get((ふつう進行形))その気がない振りをする, お高くとまる.
the hard way((副詞的))むずかしい[やっかいな]やり方で;苦労して, こつこつと;(苦い)経験を通して.

1 懸命に, 熱心に, 精出して

concentrate hard on a problem
Think hard.
Work hard, play hard!
よく働き, よく遊べ.
2 激しく, 猛烈に;力いっぱい

A storm hit the region hard.
[語法]副詞としてのhardは目的語の前には用いられない. したがって, John hit Bill hard. が正しい形であり, ×John hit hard Bill. ×John hard hit Bill. とはいわない.
3 過酷に, きびしく

be treated hard
4 堅く, 動かないように, しっかりと

bound hard
frozen hard
5 強く心を動かされて, ひどく悲しんで

He took the news very hard.
6 近くに, 接近して

follow hard after [behind, on, upon] ...
7 非常に, 過度に, ひどく

laugh hard
drink hard
8 《海事》ぎりぎりまで, 十分に

hard over
9 質素に, 節約して

They live hard, but they live.

暮らしは質素だがまあまあ食っている.be hard at it((略式))一生懸命[忙しく]働いている, 没頭[専念]している.
be hard done by ...((略式))…にひどい扱いを受ける;…に気分を害する.
be hard hit/be hit hard(…で)手ひどい損害[痛手]をこうむる((by ...)).
be hard put [pressed] (to it)/be hard pushed(…するのに)ひどく困っている, 苦境に立っている, 途方に暮れている((to do))
We were hard put (to it) to meet the deadline.
締切に間に合わせるのに四苦八苦した.go hard with a person〈事が〉〈人に〉苦痛[めんどう, 不快]を引き起こす
Things have gone hard with them.
彼らには苦しい事態となった.hard by ( ...)((古))(…の)すぐ近くに[の].
hard on(ある数値・年齢などに)なんなんとして
He is hard on 40.
彼もうじき40歳だ.take ...[it] hard〈事に〉ひどく悲しむ[ショックを受ける].
1 《海事》船揚げ場, スロープのついた岸.
2 ((英))堅いなぎさ[前浜].
3 [U]((英俗))重労働.

Barnes did so much, more than he was capable of knowing. We can know how much only if his orchestrations are taken apart and rearranged ever so slightly and briefly, once in a while. It is great that Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, the architects, adhered to his vision so sensitively, providing a kind of unwaveringly accurate baseline. But every so often the pieces of even his most revelatory ensembles should be freed from his matrix, just as his amazing achievement has been liberated from Merion.
steadfast Pronunciation (adjective) Marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable.
Synonyms:unbendable, unfaltering, unshakable, unwavering, firm, steady, stiff
Usage:He remained steadfast in his belief that he had done the right thing.
