MMO-Ensemble's "Western Mystery" inspired the poetry of Emily Dickinson...
“Hope” is the thing with feathers - (314) by Emily Dickinson
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
"Never before has the boundary between geek culture and mainstream culture been so porous,” from leaders like Tim Cook to TV shows likeGame of Thrones and The Big Bang Theory. Read on in Opinion.
The Hard Charger at Obama's Side Has His Hands Full
Denis McDonough finds himself fixing the health care debacle he did
not see coming, preparing for the next spending showdown with Congress
and trying to rescue an imperiled presidency.
Mr. Obama told reporters Tuesday that a "lack of oversight" allowed what he called "wild risk-taking." He said it led to "very dangerous" conditions that imperiled the global economy.
Beyond their normally oblique and implicit competition for the last word and the first, the two fields share a number of other characteristics that trouble their relations with one another and make cooperation between them unnecessarily difficult. Most especially, both of them are porous and imperiled, fragile and under siege. They find themselves, these days, repeatedly invaded and imposed upon by interlopers claiming to do their job in a more effective manner than they themselves, trapped in inertial rigidities, are able to do it.
This kind of information is at the center of the debate unleashed after a contractor leaked the details of the National Security Agency's phone-data collection program. The NSA program wasn't used in the ongoing robbery investigation, but the concept is the same. The so-called metadata represents one element of the voluminous digital trail left by most Americans in their daily lives. Each individual crumb might seem insignificant, but combined and analyzed, this data gives police and spies alike one of the most powerful investigative tools ever devised.
Despite China’s robust technological abilities, its cyberdefenses are almost certainly more porous than those of the United States, American experts say. To cite one glaring example, even Chinese government computers are frequently equipped with pirated software from Microsoft, they say. That means many users miss out on security upgrades, available to paying users, that fix security breaches exploited by hackers.
A law took effect this month requiring that
schools and hospitals be built to withstand quakes of magnitude eight,
about the scale of Sichuan’s. This will be only a crumb of
comfort to Juyuan’s grieving parents. They say local officials have
banned them even from visiting the school’s weed-filled compound to
hard charger
Syllabification: (hard charg·er)
IN BRIEF: Highly absorbent. Also: Having many openings.
n.- A very small piece broken from a baked item, such as a cookie, cake, or bread.
- A small fragment, scrap, or portion: eraser crumbs; not a crumb of kindness for you.
- The soft inner portion of bread.
- Slang. A contemptible, untrustworthy, or loathsome person.
v., crumbed, crumb·ing, crumbs.
- To break into very small pieces; crumble.
- To cover or prepare with very small pieces of bread.
- To brush (a table or cloth) clear of small scraps or fragments of food.
To break apart in very small pieces: a solid cake that won't crumb.
[Middle English crome, from Old English cruma.]
Definition of crumb
[with object]Origin:
Old English cruma, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch kruim and German Krume. The final -b was added in the 16th century, perhaps from crumble but also influenced by words such as dumb, where the original final -b is retained although no longer pronounced
這ciabatta(查巴塔)台灣有餐廳譯為 “拖鞋”(三明治等等).....
It is not clear where in Italy this kind of bread was first produced, and at least one type of ciabatta can be found in nearly every region of Italy. The ciabatta from the area encompassing Lake Como has a crisp crust, a somewhat soft, porous texture, and is light to the touch. The ciabatta found in Tuscany, Umbria, and Marche varies from bread that has a firm crust and dense crumb, to bread that has a crisper crust and more open texture. The more open-crumbed form, which is usual in the United States, is made from a very wet dough, often requiring machine-kneading, and a sourdough starter.
There are many variations of ciabatta. When made with whole wheat flour, it is known as ciabatta integrale. In Rome, it is often seasoned with olive oil, salt, and marjoram. When milk is added to the dough, it becomes ciabatta al latte.
A toasted sandwich made from small loaves of ciabatta is known as a panino (plural panini).
[edit] See also
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- Full of or having pores.
- Admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices.
- Easily crossed or penetrated.
[Middle English, from Old French poreux, poros, from Medieval Latin porōsus, from Latin porus, passage. See pore2.]
porously po'rous·ly adv.porousness po'rous·ness n.
Pronunciation: /ɪmˈpɛrɪl, -r(ə)l/
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