A glass pendant showing a menorah dating from 2nd-4th century AD.
Happy Hanukkah! This basalt relief depicting a menorah is from the 2nd-3rd century A.D. (Roman, Syrian).
Hanukkah at the Carter White House, December 1980:
Leonard Bernstein and his family “were invited to rest in the historic bedroom where Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Left on their own, the Bernsteins placed a menorah on the mantelpiece and lit their Hanukkah candles before leaving for [The Kennedy Center Honors] ceremony. 'We were really proud of our little act of solidarity with Jews everywhere,' Nina Bernstein remembered. Alexander prudently moved the flaming menorah to the bathroom."
("Leonard Bernstein," biography by Humphrey Burton)
(click to enlarge)
Roman soldiers carrying the menorah from the Temple of Jerusalem, 70; detail of a relief on … (credit: Alinari/Art Resource, New York)
Roman soldiers carrying the menorah from the Temple of Jerusalem, 70; detail of a relief on … (credit: Alinari/Art Resource, New York)
Restaurant Review | Empellón Cocina
A Taste of Mexico, as in a Dream
Alex Stupak offers smart and often inspired cooking at Empellón Cocina, his free-associating mash note to the food of Mexico.


- A fermentable starchy mixture from which alcohol or spirits can be distilled.
- A mixture of ground grain and nutrients fed to livestock and fowl.
- A soft pulpy mixture or mass.
- Chiefly British. Mashed potatoes.
- A crushing or grinding.
- Slang. An infatuation or act of flirtation.
- To convert (malt or grain) into mash.
- To convert into a soft pulpy mixture: mash potatoes.
- To crush or grind. See synonyms at crush.
- Chiefly Southern & South Midland U.S. To apply pressure to; press.
- Slang. To flirt with or make sexual advances to.
[Middle English mash- (as in mashfat, mash tub), from Old English *māsc, *mǣsc, māx- (in māxwyrt, wort). V., sense 5, perhaps from Romany mash, to entice.]