2016年2月9日 星期二

tranquillize, tranquility, soothing sounds, bawl, big cat

The big cat was tranquilised.

It's Not the Heat, It's the Tranquillity
Smartphone Puts Newborn to Sleep
By Sindya N. Bhanoo
Special to The Washington Post
Tuesday, February 3, 2009; Page HE01

It was a hot, air-conditioner-worthy day last summer when Chester Marl came home from the hospital. The newborn slept remarkably well through the night.
Once the weather cooled off, his parents stopped running the air conditioner in their Seattle home. Chester bawled for nights at a time.

Smartphone applications, often free or nearly free, include soothing sounds, fitness data and menstrual calculations.
Smartphone applications, often free or nearly free, include soothing sounds, fitness data and menstrual calculations. (Tmsoft (White Noise), Medical Productions (Ifitness), Winkpass Creations (Iperiod))

Seeking Tranquillity,Kyoto, Japan 京都一年(八年)

ethereal, throng

Havens | Plymouth, Vt.

Even when the throngs descend on weekends, this small town in the Green Mountains manages to maintain its ethereal calm.

━━ a. (〈英〉-ll-) 静かな; 平穏な.
 ━━ n.
 ━━ v. 静める[まる]; 静かにする[なる].
tran・quil・(l)i・za・tion n.
tran・quil・(l)iz・er  n. 【医】精神安定剤, トランキライザー.

calm and peaceful and without noise, violence, anxiety, etc:
She stared at the tranquil surface of the water.
The hotel is in a tranquil rural setting.
A spasm of pain crossed his normally tranquil features.

tranquillity, US USUALLY tranquility
noun [U]
living in peace and tranquillity
I love the tranquillity of the countryside.

tranquillize, US USUALLY tranquilize, UK USUALLY tranquillise
verb [T]o make an animal or person become unconscious or calm, especially with a drug:
a tranquillizing drug
The dogs were tranquillized with a dart gun and taken to a shelter.

tranquillizer, US USUALLY tranquilizer, UK USUALLY tranquilliser  [C]
a drug used to make a person or animal calmer:
She was on tranquillizers for a long time after her son died.

v., bawled, bawl·ing, bawls. v.intr.
  1. To cry or sob loudly; wail.
  2. To cry out loudly and vehemently; shout.
To utter in a loud, vehement voice. See synonyms at shout.
A loud, bellowing cry; a wail.

soothe (REDUCE ANGER) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to make someone feel calm or less worried:
to soothe a crying baby

soothing Show phonetics
making you feel calm:
I put on some nice soothing music.
Her words had a soothing effect.

soothingly Show phonetics
