2016年2月28日 星期日

pastiche, trepidation, assassination, mélange

“Quand on travaille pour plaire aux autres on peut ne pas réussir, mais les choses qu'on a faites pour se contenter soi-même ont toujours une chance d'intéresser quelqu'un.”
-- Pastiches et mélanges, Marcel Proust

"When we work to please others may not succeed, but the things we did to settle oneself still have a chance to attract someone."
- Pastiches and mixtures, Marcel Proust
At the Salon, Monet’s two large seascapes had been placed near the older artist’s work, and the Monets were much admired. Infuriated at being congratulated for Monet’s seascapes, Manet apparently exclaimed, “Who is this rascal who pastiches my painting so basely?”

The assassination of the brother of a prominent tribal leader on October 13th has pushed Taiz, Yemen's third city and capital of its most populous province, closer to the edge. Nowadays the city of a million people, say some residents, feels like a powder keg waiting with trepidation for a spark http://econ.st/17QXzQI

It was with trepidation then that Father Quixote introduced himself to the high clerical figure.


  • 発音記号[trèpədéiʃən]
1 (嫌なことが起こりそうだという)戦慄(せんりつ), 恐怖, 驚き, 不安, 動揺.
2 (手足の)震え;《病理学》(筋肉の)振顫(しんせん).

Monsignor Quixote
is a novel by Graham Greene, published in 1982. The book is a pastiche of the classic Spanish novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes with many moments of hilarious comedy, but also offers reflection on matters such as life after a dictatorship, Communism, and the Catholic faith.

But though it depicts a confectionary reality in which appearance matters above all, "Marie Antoinette" is far from superficial, and though it is often very funny, it is much more than a fancy-dress pastiche. Seen from the inside, Marie's gilded cage is a realm of beauty and delight, but also of loneliness and alienation.

The Magus, impressive and exasperating by turns, is his most ambitious novel ("I fell into almost every trap awaiting the tyro writer", Fowles admits). The French Lieutenant's Woman, combining Victorian pastiche and postmodern interjections, is more accessible and perhaps more loved.

  • pastiche
  • [pæstíːʃ]
1 (文学・音楽などの)模倣作品, 贋造(がんぞう).
2 (一般に)寄せ集め, ごたまぜ.
