To mistake the car for a status symbol, just because it is asked to be taken as anything but a car, is to mistake the whole meaning of this very late product of the mechanical age that is now yielding its form to electric technology. The car is a superb piece of uniform, standardized mechanism that is of a piece with the Gutenberg technology and literacy which created the first classless society in the world. The car gave to the democratic cavalier his horse and armor and haughty insolence in one package, transmogrifying the knight into a misguided missile. In fact, the American car did not level downward, but upward, toward the aristocratic idea.
Johnson Life of Johnson - Chapter XXVIII
Sir, the insolence of wealth will creep out.' BOSWELL. 'She has a little both of the insolence of wealth, and the conceit of parts.' JOHNSON.◎To the German peace offer (with its demand for Alsace-Lorraine), they replied: "There can be no answer to such insolent demands but a guerre a outrance. ...【對此無禮的要求戰至最後一兵一將】
'Sir, the insolence of wealth will creep out,' iii. 316.
adjective ━━ a. 横柄な, 無礼な ((to, towards)).
rude and not showing respect:
an insolent child/young man
an insolent gesture/remark
noun [U]'Sir, the insolence of wealth will creep out,' Life of Johnson, iii. 316.
- transform in a surprising or magical manner."his home was transmogrified into a hippy crash pad"
A degree which go beyond bound or beyond measures.
Example: at outrance= at the last extremity/
to (the) outrance= a outrance(adverbial phrase, also a l'outrance, a tout outrance )
to death ;to the bitter end
(Shorter OED)
conceit (PRIDE) Show phonetics
noun [U]
when you are too proud of yourself and your actions:
The conceit of that man is incredible!
conceited Show phonetics
too proud of yourself and your actions and abilities:
Without wishing to sound conceited, I am the best salesperson in the company.
conceitedly Show phonetics