2022年7月10日 星期日

-decker, "double-decker" bus, vagary, mahayana, rosy, zing, populate

Luca Tong behind the wheel of his “hot dog” bus on the Wan Chai harbour promenade in Hong Kong in June. Vintage buses of this variety have not picked up passengers on the streets of Hong Kong for a decade.
Louise Delmotte for The New York Times

A Memory That Moves: A Decrepit Hong Kong Double-Decker Bus Gets New Life

When the pandemic cut their flight hours, two pilots spent months restoring a vehicle that reminded them of a happier time in Hong Kong.

The vagaries of life, though painful, teach us not to cling to this floating world.
~ Zen proverb

《金翅雀》(The Goldfinch)
唐娜·塔特(Donna Tartt)著。利特爾與布朗出版公司(Little, Brown & Company),30美元。
Tartt’s intoxicating third novel, after “The Secret History” and “The Little Friend,” follows the travails of Theo Decker, who emerges from a terrorist bombing motherless but in possession of a prized Dutch painting. Like the best of Dickens, the novel is packed with incident and populated with vivid characters. At its heart is the unwavering belief that come what may, art can save us by lifting us above ourselves.
這是塔特繼《秘密歷史》(The Secret History)和《小朋友》(The Little Friend)之後推出的第三本迷人的小說,追溯了西奧·德克爾(Theo Decker)的痛苦歷程,他因恐怖主義爆炸事件而失去母親,卻擁有一幅珍貴的荷蘭油畫。如同狄更斯那些最好的作品,這本小說中亦充滿各種意外事件與鮮明 的人物。小說的核心是這樣一個堅定的信念:不管發生什麼事情,藝術都能讓我們通過超越自我而拯救自我。
In a Trove of Art, a Triumph Over the Nazis’ Will

Artworks missing since the Nazi era yield lessons about the vagaries of survival.
In China, anti-Japan protests over disputed islands get some zing
Los Angeles Times
Since Japan's government announced plans Monday to buy and “nationalize” several unpopulated islands near Okinawa that are also claimed by China, officials in Beijing have been issuing stiff, dry statements denouncing the move. The government ...

And owing to the vagaries of 19th-century record-keeping, the sales of different books were sometimes grouped together under a single heading, “cheap editions”, and so cannot be split into their constituent titles.

A Nation Battling Swine Flu, and Short Vaccine Supplies

Experts say overly rosy projections on vaccine supplies did not take account of the vagaries of vaccine production.

為什麼?因為這會帶動所謂的「玫瑰追憶」(rosy retrospection),個人不用尋求外力,
就能自己創造安慰與安全的來源,正如已故老牌演員萊文特(Oscar Levant)曾感嘆:「幸福不是個人經歷過的事,而是個人記得的事。」幸福的回憶,是最簡單卻又威力十足的心靈說客。

講題:Globalisation, Labour and the Vagaries of Historical Memory: The Case of the Huagong in World War One France(全球化、勞工與歷史記憶的反覆:以第一次世界大戰的法國「華工」為例)
主講人:Pual Bailey (英國杜倫大學歷史學系教授、人文學部中國學項目主任)

combining form
  1. having a specified number of decks or layers.


Pronunciation: /ˈpɒpjʊleɪt/
[with object]
  • form the population of (a place):the island is populated by scarcely 40,000 people a cosy rural town populated with friendly folk
  • cause people to settle in (a place).
  • fill or be present in (a place or sphere):the film is an epic fantasy populated by grotesque weirdos
  • Computing fill in (data).


late 16th century: from medieval Latin populat- 'supplied with people', from the verb populare, from populus 'people'


  • 発音記号[róuzi][形](-i・er, -i・est)
1 バラのような;ばら色の;〈唇・ほおなどが〉健康そうな赤味を帯びた, 血色のよい.
2 〈前途などが〉明るい, 有望な, 陽気な, 楽観的な
a rosy-eyed view
paint a rosy picture of ...
He was rosy with content.

va·ga·ry ('gə-rē, və-gâr'ē) pronunciation
n., pl., -ries.
An extravagant or erratic notion or action.
[From Latin vagārī, to wander, from vagus, wandering.]
1 予測のつかない変化[変動]
the vagaries of life
2 とっぴな[気まぐれな]考え, むら気.

會議主題:佛教藏經和早期大乘佛教 Buddhist Canon(s) and Early Mahayana Buddhism

('hə-yä') pronunciation
One of the major schools of Buddhism, traditionally active in much of Nepal, Tibet, and East Asia and emphasizing compassion and the possibility of universal salvation.
[Sanskrit Mahāyānam, greater vehicle (as contrasted with Hīnayānam, lesser vehicle; see Hinayana) : mahā-, great + yānam, vehicle.]
Mahayanist Ma'ha·ya'nist n.
Mahayanistic Ma'ha·ya·nis'tic adj.


  • 発音記号[zíŋ]
[名][U]((時にa 〜))((略式))
1 熱情, 元気, 活気.
2 ヒューン[ビューン]という音.
━━(他)((俗))…を生き生きさせる, …に生気を与える((up)).
