2009年3月2日 星期一

country, county, Haemophilia,

hemophilia/ Haemophiliacs

Madame Chiang Kai-shek (1897-2003): wife of Chiang Kai-shek and advocate for his government

BRIEFING: Sarkozy's France

The presidency as theatre Mr Sarkozy's first year in the office has brought only limited change to France. Even if he grows less distracted, he may find reform harder to achieve

In the family of 20th-century art Cézanne’s patriarchal status is unquestioned. His “Bather” is, traditionally, one of the first paintings you see in the Museum of Modern Art’s permanent-collection galleries. The statement “Cézanne is the father of us all” has been attributed to Picasso and to Matisse.

Kensho is not a permanent state of enlightenment, but rather a clear glimpse of the true nature of existence. Satori on the other hand is used to refer to "deep" or lasting enlightenment. It is therefore customary to use the word satori, rather than kensho, when referring to the enlightened states of the Buddha and the Patriarchs.

patriarchy noun [C or U]
a society in which the oldest male is the leader of the family, or a society controlled by men in which men use their power to their own advantage:
Patriarchy has not disappeared - it has merely changed form.
She rails against patriarchy and hierarchy.
Compare matriarchy at matriarch.

noun [C]
the male leader of a family
Compare matriarch.

patriarchal structure
a patriarchal society

noun [C]
a bishop in particular Eastern Christian churches

president (POLITICS)
noun [C]
(the title given to) the person who has the highest political position in a country which is a republic and who, in some of these countries, is the leader of the government:
President Kennedy
the President of France
[as form of address] Thank you, Mr/Madam President.

presidential Show phonetics
adjective [usually before noun]
a presidential candidate/campaign/election

presidency Show phonetics
noun [C usually singular]
the job of being president, or the period when someone is a president:
He has announced that he is running for the presidency.
She won the presidency by a wide margin.


Dictionary: Ma·dame (mə-dăm', măd'əmpronunciation
n.pl. Mes·dames (mā-dăm', -däm'). (Abbr. Mme.)
  1. Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a woman, especially a married woman, in a French-speaking area: Madame Cartier; Madame Jacqueline Cartier.
  2. madame Used as a form of polite address for a woman in a French-speaking area.
[French, from Old French ma dame : ma, my (from Latin mea, feminine of meus) + dame, lady (from Latin domina, feminine of dominus, lord, master of a household).]

Haemophiliacs and vCJD

The British health authorities have confirmed the first case of the human
form of mad cow disease in a patient with haemophilia.

The DW-WORLD Article

Haemophilia (also spelled as hemophilia, from the Greek haima "blood" and philia "to love"[1]) is a group of hereditary genetic disorders that impair the body's ability to control blood clotting or coagulation. In its most common form, Hemophilia A, clotting factor VIII is absent. In Haemophilia Bfactor IX is deficient. Hemophilia A occurs in about 1 in 5,000–10,000 male births[2], while Hemophilia B occurs at about 1 in about 20,000–34,000.
The effects of this sex-linkedX chromosome disorder are manifested almost entirely in males, although the gene for the disorder is inherited from the mother. Females have two X chromosomes while males have only one, lacking a 'back up' copy for the defective gene. Females are therefore almost exclusively carriers of the disorder, and may have inherited it from either their mother or father.

往後五年半之間,卡波提全心投入於調查被害者一家、兩名兇手(理查與貝利)的身世,與完整建構慘案發生的真實經過。為了深入了解兇手的心靈,卡波提與他們 成為好朋友,還幫他們聘請律師打上訴官司。有人說卡波提在兩人身上看見自己悲慘的童年,也有人說,卡波提最後愛上了兇手。
豪康鎮(Holcomb)位在堪薩斯州西部高聳的麥田高地上,那是一片蕭索的地區,別處的堪薩斯人都管它叫「外頭那邊」。靠近科羅拉多州東 境一百一十多公里一帶的鄉間,天氣晴朗,空氣像沙漠地帶般乾爽,雖位處美國中西部,卻充滿了極西部的色彩。當地人的口音帶有一種沉濁得像「彈棉花」般的鄉 下腔調,一種牧場牛仔特有的濃重鼻音。那裡的男人都穿緊身細腿牛仔褲,頭戴史提生名廠出品的牛仔帽,腳上是尖頭高跟牛仔靴。草原平坦,放眼望去,廣闊得可 怕。馬匹、牛群,和一簇簇白色像希臘神廟般高聳的穀倉,老遠就吸引著過客的眼光。
豪康鎮也是從遙遠的地方就可輕易望見。卻真的沒什麼可看的——一排參差不齊的建築物被一條聖塔非鐵路從中間分開;一個雜亂的村莊,南邊圍 繞著一條黃濁的阿肯色(這裡的人發音作阿爾—堪—薩斯)河支流,北邊是第五十號公路,東、西兩邊都是草原與麥田。雨後或雪溶時,鎮上光禿無遮、沒舖柏油的 無名街道,就將厚厚的塵土化作惱人的泥濘。街的一頭聳立著一幢突出的灰色建築,屋簷懸著霓虹招牌「舞廳」,只是早已舞歇人去,霓虹廣告也熄滅多年了。近處 是另一座樓房,也有一塊失去意義的招牌,那是玻璃窗上金粉已剝落的「豪康銀行」字樣。這家銀行在一九三三年就關了門,往日銀行的會計室,如今改裝成公寓住 宅了。這是鎮上僅有的兩座公寓之一;另一座是一幢比較像樣的大樓,當地學校的教員多半住在那裡,那座大樓也因此較為人知,而成了「教師公寓」。此外,豪康 鎮上的房子都是窗前一條走廊的木造平房。
靠近火車站有一間搖搖欲墜的小郵局。女局長體型瘦削,身穿牛皮夾克、藍色牛仔褲,腳踏一雙牛仔靴,掌管著這裡冷冷清清的業務。火車站本身 看起來也夠寒傖的,硫磺色的油漆都快掉光了,「酋長號」、「大酋長號」與「卡畢坦巨岩號」等列車雖也每天駛過,但是這些豪華特快車是從不停靠該站的。事實 上所有客車都不停,只有貨車才偶爾停靠。公路上有兩家加油站,一家還兼充貨色貧乏的雜貨店,另一家則兼營小吃買賣——哈特曼咖啡店,女老闆哈特曼太太賣點 三明治、咖啡、冷飲,跟酒精濃度不超過三點二的啤酒(豪康鎮與堪薩斯州其他地區相同,一律禁售烈酒)。
豪康鎮的風貌真的只有這樣,其他別無可說的了。當然,若是一定要提上一筆(其實還真漏不了),那就只能說說豪康學校了。要不是這所滿漂亮 的學校,豪康鎮簡直像是一個偽裝的社區。這所現代化、師資陣容堅強,學制也相當完整的學校——從幼稚園到高中全算在內,學生通常維持著三百六十名左右。當 地家長們開著一輛輛的汽車,把子女從附近各地——有的遠至二十五公里外——送來上學。一般說來,他們家境都頗富裕。農場跟牧場上的人家,都是早先來自世界 各國,包括德國、愛爾蘭、挪威、墨西哥與日本的移民,也都是在室外勞動慣了的人。他們飼養牛羊,種植小麥、耐旱高粱、草籽作物跟甜菜。務農本來就是看天吃 飯的,而西堪薩斯州的莊稼漢更自認是「天生的賭徒」,因為他們必須與當地極稀少的雨量(全年平均雨量四百五十七公釐)和灌溉問題搏鬥。所幸,過去七年來倒 一直沒吃到什麼旱象的苦頭,芬尼郡(Finney Country)豪康鎮的農家這些年來都過得不錯,除了種田的收入外,當地蘊藏豐富的天然氣也為大家帶來不小的財富。新學校、農家住宅內的舒適裝潢跟那些 又高又陡的巨大穀倉,都是具體證明。
直到一九五九年十一月中旬的一個早晨,美國各地,連堪薩斯州在內,都很少人聽過豪康鎮的名字。河中的流水、公路上的摩托車、聖塔非鐵軌上 駛過的黃色列車、戲劇性的事件,都不曾駐足該地。村中僅有的二百七十名居民很以此自滿,他們覺得本應如此,也很知足地過著平凡的生活:工作、打獵、看電 視、參加學校與四健會的各式聚會,以及練唱教堂的讚美詩。誰也沒料到,十一月一個禮拜天的凌晨,來自外地的幾聲異響,就輕易地打亂了豪康鎮深夜原有的聲息 ——野狼的歇斯底里尖嚎,風吹枯草颳過大地的乾裂聲,與火車頭漸去漸遠的汽笛聲。於此同時,四聲槍響——沉睡中的豪康鎮上竟沒一個人聽見——奪去了六條人 命。

country (POLITICAL UNIT) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 an area of land that has its own government, army, etc:
Which is the largest country in Europe?
Sri Lanka is my native country, but I've been living in Belgium for the past five years.
The climate is cooler in the east of the country.

2 the country all the people who live in a country:
The whole country celebrated the signing of the peace treaty.county Show phonetics
a political division of the UK or Ireland, forming the largest unit of local government, or the largest political division of a state in the US:
County Antrim
A county usually consists of several towns and the rural areas which surround them.
Rutland used to be the smallest county in England, but in 1974 it became part of Leicestershire.
Texas is divided into 254 counties.

country (LAND) Show phonetics
noun [U]
an area of land considered in relation to a particular feature:
Stratford-on-Avon is the capital of Shakespeare country.
The empty roads make this area good cycling country.

country (NATURAL LAND) Show phonetics
noun [S or U]
land which is not in towns, cities or industrial areas and is either used for farming or left in its natural condition:
He lives out in the country somewhere.
Would you prefer to live in the country instead of a town?
Country life isn't always as peaceful as city-dwellers think.
It's often quicker to travel across country and avoid the major roads altogether.

countrified Show phonetics
describes a person or thing that belongs to, or is suited to, the countryside:
I thought myself very sophisticated compared with my countrified relatives.
DISAPPROVING Their house was decorated in a style that was rather tasteless and countrified (= artificially like something seen in the countryside).

county Show phonetics
describes someone who behaves in a way that is typical of rich people with a high social position who live in large houses in the countryside:
She mixes with a very county set.

