2009年3月13日 星期五

Compleat, Angler, denote, 'angling', self-explanatory

第 41 頁
Somewhat playfully, he 'deduced' a definition for the term 'angling'. The method should be self-explanatory from the summary of the process shown in Figure ...

Conflict Over Spying Led White House to Brink
This is the first of two stories adapted from "Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency," to be published Tuesday by Penguin Press. Original source notes are denoted in [brackets] throughout.
(By Barton Gellman, The Washington Post)


self-explanatory PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
easily understood from the information already given and not needing further explanation:
a self-explanatory list of instructions

Izaak Walton
(August 9, 1593 - December 15, 1683) was an English writer, author of The Compleat Angler.

[英]以撒沃爾頓 著 繆哲 譯
花城出版社2001年9月 1680元

這本書,英文書名作THE COMPEAT ANGLER,直譯為《完美的垂釣人》,已故的楊周翰先生譯作《垂釣全書》。書出版後,便被奉為垂釣者的"聖經",三百年來一直風行不衰,互聯網上"亞馬遜書店"的書目中,仍有多種新版,還有現代人的擬作、續作。而譯者似乎有意避免"時髦",不想讓人認為這是一本釣魚指南,據書的內容擬了一個頗為清雅的書名:《釣客清話》。


(kəm-plēt') pronunciation
━━ a.complete.

  1. Of or characterized by a highly developed or wide-ranging skill or proficiency: “The compleat speechwriter … comes to anonymity from Harvard Law” (Israel Shenker).
  2. Being an outstanding example of a kind; quintessential: “Here was the compleat modern misfit: the very air appeared to poison him; his every step looked treacherous and hard won” (Stephen Schiff).

[Variant of COMPLETE.]


  1. One who fishes with a hook.
  2. A scheming person.
  3. An anglerfish.
━━ vi. 魚釣りをする; 釣る ((for)); 策をめぐらす; 気を引く ((for)).
an・gler ━━ n. 釣師; 【魚】アンコウ.

angle・worm ミミズ.
an・gling ━━ n. (魚)釣り.

WordNet: angler
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun has 3 meanings:

Meaning #1: a scheming person; someone who schemes to gain an advantage

Meaning #2: a fisherman who uses a hook and line
Synonym: troller

Meaning #3: fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey
Synonyms: goosefish, anglerfish, angler fish, monkfish, lotte, allmouth, Lophius Americanus

denote Show phonetics
verb [T]
to represent something:
The colour red is used to denote passion or danger.


━━ vt. 示す, 表す; 意味する; 【論】外延を示す.
de・no・ta・tion ━━ n. 指示, 表示; 印; 名称, (表面上の)意味; 【論】外延.
, ━━ a. 表示上の[する] ((of)); 【論】外延的な, 明示的な.
de・no・ta・tive・ly ad.
