2009年3月28日 星期六

to mention but a few

Insight | 28.03.2009 | 04:30

UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The City of Venice

The 118 islands which constitute Venice and the lagoon in which they are situated were added to the list of World Heritage sites in 1987, conforming to all the UNESCO criteria for inclusion.


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mention Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to speak about something briefly, giving little detail or using few words:
I'll mention your ideas to Jacinta.
[+ (that)] He casually mentioned (that) he was leaving his job.
[+ ing form of verb] My wife mentioned seeing you the other day.
[+ question word] Did she happen to mention whether she would be coming?

2 to refer to something or someone:
I promised never to mention the incident again.
Did she mention me in her letter?

mention Show phonetics
1 [C] a brief remark or written statement:
The story didn't even get a mention in the newspaper.
When I ordered the catalogue, there was no mention of any payment.

2 [S] when something or someone is mentioned:
Even the mention of her name makes him blush.

3 [C] when a person is publicly praised for having done something, such as their job, particularly well:
At the awards ceremony, Chrissie Scott got/received a special mention for her reporting of the conflict.

Venice offers an overwhelming collection of architectural and artistic masterpieces, and its proliferation of superlatively designed churches and museums house works by some of the greatest artists in history: Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese, Giorgione, Tiepolo – to mention but a few. And not to forget the romantic side of Venice that attracts millions of visitors each year.

Report: Dany Mitzman
