2009年3月18日 星期三

radical, life-size(d), tie (RELATE)


radical 根本的な; 徹底的な

Curbs on risky banking proposed

「土星背對著激進的火星」【鏡中自畫像 p.248
William Butler Yeats –(1865-1935).日記的19101216日注中附原文: Mars in opposition to Saturn radical.
譯者似乎不知道作者深精星象學,甚至於認為 A Vision 是他畢生最重要的著作;也沒查規模大點的辭典,譬如說 Shorter O.E.D.等等。

Two life-sized models of the sinornithomimus were put on public display for the first time Monday in Hohhot, capital of north China's Inner Mongolia region. ...

JPMorgan Chase must allow shareholders to vote on measures that would tie executive bonuses to the bank's long-term stock performance, federal regulators have ruled.

tie (RELATE)
verb [T] tyingtiedtied
to relate to or connect to:
Is the allergy tied to dairy products, for example?
Can you tie his behaviour up with anything that's happened recently?

plural noun
the friendly feelings that people have for other people, or special connections with places:
Family ties are weaker if you move a long way away.
I no longer feel any ties with my home town.
He urged governments worldwide to break diplomatic ties with the new regime.

describes a work of art or model that is the same size as the person or thing that it represents:
a life-size statue of the Prime Minister

  1. Arising from or going to a root or source; basic: proposed a radical solution to the problem.
  2. Departing markedly from the usual or customary; extreme: radical opinions on education.
  3. Favoring or effecting fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices, conditions, or institutions: radical political views.
  4. Linguistics. Of or being a root: a radical form.
  5. Botany. Arising from the root or its crown: radical leaves.
  6. Slang. Excellent; wonderful.

relating to the most important parts of something or someone; complete or extreme:
We need to make some radical changes to our operating procedures.
She has had to undergo radical surgery (= aimed at removing the cause of a disease).

Barker introduced some radically new ideas.

believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change:
He was known as a radical reformer/thinker/politician.
These people have very radical views.

radical Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who supports great social and political change:
She was a radical all her life.

radicalism Show phonetics
noun [U]


━━ a. 根本的な; 徹底的な; 過激な, 急進的な; (時にR-) 急進派の; 【植】根の; 【化】基の; 【言】語根の; 〔俗〕 この上なくすばらしい, 最高にいい.
━━ n. 急進主義者; 【化】基; 【数】根号 (radical sign) ((√)); 【言】語根, (漢字の)部首.
radical chic (見せかけの)左翼趣味.
rad・i・cal・ism ━━ n. 急進論[主義].
