It’s official. Britain will be the sick man of Europe this year. Indeed it will be the sick man of the world. The International Monetary Fund’s forecast that the economy will shrink by 2.8 per cent puts Britain at the bottom of the league for all large industrialised economies. Only Japan, with a predicted fall of 2.6 per cent, comes close.
sick man of east Asia 東亞病夫
league table 是一種類似"武林排行版 (本報一向反對)
Wikipedia article "League tables of British universities".
League Table
A ranking of companies based on a set of criteria such as revenue, earnings, deals or any other relevant metrics. The rankings are organized into lists, which can be used for investment research purposes or as promotional material for the companies on the list.
Below is an example of a league table comparing the revenue and % revenue share of four different banks.
Investopedia Says:
Some of the most well-known league tables are those that track the dealings of investment banks, such a tables that tally the ongoing deals done by various banks.
For example, a league table put out by a financial information provider may show all of the merger and acquisition deals that each bank has managed during a yearly period, illustrating the date in terms of the combined dollar value of the deals as well as the share of the merger and acquisition deal market for the period.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007 |
Taiwan has topped a prestigious international league table of 15-year-olds' mathematical ability, vaulting ahead of far richer countries.
The island state's performance in the Pisa tests of mathematics and reading, devised by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and published yesterday, reinforces its reputation as a high-technology Asian tiger. Taiwan also earned fourth place in the parallel Pisa science rankings, published last week, though in reading it was in 16th place. |
Tu Cheng-sheng, Taiwan's minister of education, said: “This shows the success of [our] education reform.” Over the past 15 years, the island has introduced a nine-year curriculum which is followed by every student.
But education experts said Taiwan's lead in maths was mainly due to its students' rote learning. Lin Huan-hsiang, dean of the National Hualien University for Education and one of the organisers of Pisa in Taiwan, said: “While calculation and explanatory capabilities are strong, we are still relatively weak in areas such as formulating new scientific problems or logical deduction.”
Asia-Pacific's strong showing was one of the clearest themes of the Pisa survey. The region contributed five of the top 10 in the mathematics and science league tables, and four of the top 10 in reading – thanks to strong contributions from Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Macao, Australia and New Zealand. Mainland China did not participate.
台湾教育部长杜正胜(Tu Cheng-sheng)表示:“这显示了我们教育改革的成功。”在过去15年中,台湾推出了针对所有学生的9年制课程。
但 教育专家表示,台湾在数学方面的领先主要源于学生的机械式学习。花莲教育大学(National Hualien University of Education)校长林焕祥(Lin Huan-hsiang)是Pisa测试在台湾的组织者之一。他表示:“虽然我们的计算和解释能力很强,但在系统设计新的科学问题及逻辑推演等方面,我们 依然相对薄弱。”
Washington Post - United States
Last week, Google launched a new advertising initiative that could make the ads you see on the Web more relevant, a little scarier or both. ...
Horror Cinema. The best scary movies of all time
That said, I would hazard that the general horde of visitors, a good percentage of whom seem to be strapped into strollers and under four feet tall, don’t dwell overmuch on metaphorical meanings.
"I was working in unknown territory, and sometimes it was scary," he said of that first project. "At the same time here was someplace where I could do more in 15 years than most architects do in their entire careers." So in 2004 he decided to move to China full time.
Two years later he still comes across as a hyped-up romantic who relishes the prospect of living big and does not concern himself overmuch with compromises that a more fastidious architect might refuse.
scare Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to (cause to) feel frightened:
Sudden noises scare her.
She's very brave - she doesn't scare easily.
He scared me out of my wits (= made me extremely frightened) when he was driving so fast.
Meeting new people scares me stiff/to death (= makes me extremely nervous and anxious).
She scared the hell/life/living daylights out of me (= frightened me very much) when she crept up behind me and shouted in my ear.
scare Show phonetics
1 [S] a sudden feeling of fear or worry:
I got/had a scare (= I was very worried) when I looked at my bank statement this morning!
You gave us a real scare (= frightened us) when you fainted, you know.
2 [C] when a subject receives a lot of public attention and worries many people, often unnecessarily:
a bomb/health scare
The government are accused of employing scare tactics (= ways of frightening people in order to persuade them to do something).
The press have been publishing scare stories (= newspaper reports which make people feel unnecessarily worried) about the mystery virus.
scared Show phonetics
frightened or worried:
He's scared of spiders.
I'm scared of telling her what really happened.
He's scared to tell her what really happened.
I was scared (= very worried) (that) you might not be there.
I was scared stiff (= extremely frightened).
She had a scared look on her face.
scary, UK ALSO scarey Show phonetics
adjective INFORMAL
a scary movie/story
overmuch Show phonetics
adverb, adjective
(especially in negatives) too much or very much:
At least he didn't suffer overmuch before he died.
I don't have overmuch confidence in Hal.
noun [C]
a group of teams playing a sport who take part in competitions between each other:
Who do you think will win the league championship this year?
Liverpool were top of the Football League that year.
They are currently bottom of the league.