U.K. ministers are closing ranks around Boris Johnson amid calls for his resignation
In the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament, a wrestler at the bottom of the rankings in the top Makuuchi Division has won the Emperor's Cup.
In the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament, a wrestler at the bottom of the rankings in the top Makuuchi Division has won the Emperor's Cup.
Rank-and-file wrestler wins sumo tournament | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
Experts doubt that the U.S. has presented overwhelming evidence to its allies that Huawei poses a security risk.
Germany and UK weigh breaking ranks with US on Huawei ban
While Clinton cast Trump as a menace to America and the world, the core of Trump's pitch for national security involved simplistic, chin-jutting, isolationism with a strong dose of wishful thinking
Behind a small stone archway on London's Fleet Street, a hidden world opens up. (via BBC Travel)
Tracking Lineage Through a Bramble
Donald C. Johanson and Richard Leakey, famous rivals, joined forces to speak about human evolution at the American Museum of Natural History.
Illegal Migrants Huddle Along French Coast
CALAIS, France, Jan. 13 -- He emerged cautiously from behind thick brambles in a grove of scrub oak that Calais residents refer to as "the jungle." Mohammed Mohammedei he called himself, an Afghan on the run.
(By Edward Cody, The Washington Post)
It was troublesome climbing, for there was an undergrowth of brier and bramble which tore my clothes, and the sharp crags which jutted in all directions out ...Heading back to my own hotel, I once again found history jutting up against modernity: On my way toward the Gros-Horloge, or the Great Clock — a magnificent astronomical clock constructed in the 14th century and set in a Renaissance archway — I passed the seemingly endless shops that populate the center of Rouen.
Afghans Offer Jobs to Taliban Rank and File if They Defect
By DEXTER FILKINSThe U.S. is underwriting a program that seeks to disarm fighters and enlist tribal leaders’ support by involving them in choosing development projects where jobs are offered.
Lehman and Its Staff Await Next Step By BEN WHITE and ERIC DASH
As rank-and-file employees confronted an uncertain future, top executives huddled in all-day meetings and braced for takeover bids, expected by Saturday afternoon.

break rank (or ranks)
phrase of rank
(of soldiers or police officers) fail to remain in line.
fail to maintain solidarity.
"the government is prepared to break ranks with the Allied states"
In case you missed it... Spitting Image co-creator Roger Law deposited the programme's archive, including a Margaret Thatcher puppet, in Cambridge University Library earlier this week.
At its peak, the show reached an audience of 15 million. Harry Enfield, Steve Coogan, Paul Whitehouse, Alistair McGowan, Ian Hislop, John Sessions and Deborah Stephenson all worked on the programme during its long run for Central Independent Television, as did Red Dwarf creators Rob Grant and Doug Naylor.
Read more about it at www.cam.ac.uk/SpittingImage
1 : to force (saliva) from the mouth He spat on the ground. 2 : to force (something) from the mouth Spitout your gum. 3 : to express by or as if by spitting He was spitting an angry answer.
spitting image
- the exact double of (another person or thing).
"she's the spitting image of her mum"
Pronunciation: /ˈɑːtʃweɪ/
Pronunciation: /dʒʌt/
1 [C or U] a wild bush with thorns, that produces blackberries:
We carefully pushed our way through the low brambles.
2 [C] UK a blackberry:
We stopped to pick brambles by the side of the road.
bramble jam
3 [C] US any wild bush with thorns
n. - 荊棘, 樹莓, 懸鉤子
v. intr. - 採集野黑莓
to come close together in a group, or to hold your arms and legs close to your body, especially because of cold or fear:
Everyone huddled round the fire to keep warm.
It was so cold that we huddled together for warmth.
Sophie was so frightened by the noise of the fireworks that she huddled (up) in a corner of the room.
noun [C]
1 a small group of people or things that are close together:
A small group of people stood in a huddle at the bus stop.
gathered close together:
We stood huddled together for warmth.