2022年1月11日 星期二

nature, incurable, insulin, appoint, reappoint,

#OnThisDay 100 years ago, Leonard Thompson became the first person to receive an injection of insulin to treat Type 1 diabetes. The treatment was found to be a success, providing a way to treat a previously incurable disease.
It also led to a Nobel Prize for the scientists that carried out the pioneering research into insulin, including Frederick Banting, pictured here.
More about Banting: https://bit.ly/3miRXfJ

n Incurable Fisherman Is Now Mourned

Julius Geller, who died Sunday at 93 and was buried Tuesday in New Farmingdale, N.Y., was a constant, welcome presence on Brooklyn’s fishing boats.

The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.

The first meaning was the literal translation from the French, i.e. 'face-to-face'. Walpole was an incurable letter writer and, fortunately for us, many of his letters have been published in a collection of books, which provides the first citation we have of the term in English, in Letter to George Montague, July 1753:

Bernanke wins confirmation for second term at Fed
The Senate voted 70-30 to reappoint Ben Bernanke for a second four-year term as chairman of the Federal Reserv



1 [U]((無冠詞))自然, 自然界(▼人間・精神・人工などと対立したものとしてとらえられている. 日本語の「自然」には人間・精神なども含まれることがあるので注意);物質界;((しばしばN-))(山・木・動物など)自然界の要素, 万物
the beauties [the laws] of nature
a struggle against nature
preserve [destroy] nature
2 [U]((無冠詞))(あらゆる現象を含めて)全宇宙[世界];((通例N-))創造主, 造物主, 自然の女神(▼ふつう女性扱い);宇宙に働く力(の総体), 自然の摂理
leave things to nature
in [by] the course of nature
Nature is the best physician.
((ことわざ)) 自然は最良の医者.
3 [U](人工・人為に対して)自然さ, 迫真性, 真実味
true to nature
4 [U][C]((しばしばthe 〜))本質, 本性, 天性, 性質, 特質, 性向, 性癖;気質;[C]…の気質をもった人;(人間の)自然のままの姿. ⇒DISPOSITION[類語]
the nature of humankind
human nature
人情, 人間性
a cruel nature
a person's better nature
人の優しい気持ち, 仏心
It was not (in) his nature to take an aimless holiday.
5 [U](人の)本来の姿, 自然[野生, 原始, 未開]の状態
go back to nature
6 ((a [the] 〜))種類
two books of the same nature
7 [U]体力, 活力, 生命力;肉体的欲求
sustain nature
8 [U]《神学》神の恩寵(おんちょう)に浴していない精神状態.
against nature
(1) 不自然な;人間性に反した, 非道な.
(2) 奇跡的な[に], 不思議な[に].
all nature
万物;((米略式))だれもかれも, 何もかも.
back to nature
by nature/by one' (very) nature
生まれながらに, 生まれつき, 生来, 本質的に, 本来.
contrary to nature
=against NATURE (2).
from nature
paint from nature
in a state of nature
(1) 《神学》神の恩寵に浴していない精神状態で.
(2) 〈人が〉未開[原始]の状態で.
(3) 〈動植物が〉野生(状態)で;〈鉱物が〉天然に存在して.
(4) まる裸で.
in nature
(1) 実在して.
(2) ((否定の強意))全然, まったく.
(3) ((最上級の強意))この上なく, まったく.
(4) ((疑問の強意))一体全体
What in nature do you mean?
in [by, from] the nature of things [the case]
物の道理として, 道理上, 必然的に.
like all nature
((米略式))完全に, すっかり, まったく.
of [in] the nature of ...
…の性質を帯びている, に似ている
His suggestion was of [in] the nature of an order.
[ラテン語nātūra (nātus生まれた+-URE=生まれてもつもの). △NATION, NATIVE

v. t. (-point")To appoint again.

tr.v., -point·ed, -point·ing, -points.
  1. To select or designate to fill an office or a position: appointed her the chief operating officer of the company.
  2. To fix or set by authority or by mutual agreement: will appoint a date for the examination.
  3. To furnish; equip: a house that is comfortably appointed.
  4. Law. To direct the disposition of (property) to a person or persons in exercise of a power granted for this purpose by a preceding deed.
[Middle English appointen, from Old French apointer, apointier, to arrange, from a point, to the point : a, to (from Latin ad; see ad-) + point, point; see point.]
SYNONYMS appoint, designate, name, nominate, tap. These verbs mean to select for an office or position: was appointed chairperson of the committee; expects to be designated leader of the opposition; a new police commissioner named by the mayor; to be nominated as her party's candidate; was tapped for fraternity membership. See also synonyms at furnish.


[形]直らない, 矯正できない;変えることのできない, 根っからの, 病膏肓(こうこう)にはいった
an incurable disease [invalid]
(ĭn-kyʊr'ə-bəl) pronunciation

  1. Being such that a cure is impossible; not curable: an incurable disease.
  2. Incapable of being altered, as in disposition or habits: an incurable optimist; an incurable smoker.
incurability in·cur'a·bil'i·ty or in·cur'a·ble·ness n.
incurable in·cur'a·ble n.
incurably in·cur'a·bly adv.
