2022年1月27日 星期四

crypto-, cryptocurrency, crypto-assets, lawyer up, creeping, lawyerism, propagate, oligarchy


A massive amount of wealth is about to be transferred to a certain quadrant of the D.C. bar.

Why Everyone in the West Wing Will Need to Lawyer Up
The very high cost of operating in a White House under investigation.


"Our democracy would look like a creeping, crypto-oligarchy to the ancient Greeks – and many today may be coming to a similar conclusion."

Patently Absurd Inventions
Patently Absurd Inventions
It's not clear if this is what they had in mind when the idea of a patent was proposed to protect inventors from having their creative ideas stolen. There's the "Electrified Table Cloth," designed to shock bugs that dare to crawl among the dishes; the "Synthetic Stick" that got passed off as a toy for pets; the "Beerbrella," to keep the sun off your beer; and the "Anti-Eating Mouth Cage" — a Hannibal Lecter-approach to dieting. The first recorded patent for an industrial invention was issued in 1421 to Italian architect and engineer Filippo Brunelleschi. On this date in 1790, the US Patent Office issued its first patent to Samuel Hopkins for his process for making pot ash and pearl ash.
"This is the patent age of new inventions for killing bodies, and for saving souls. All propagated with the best intentions."Lord Byron

You see creeping lawyerism in other Google actions too. Its privacy policy, these days, gives it the right to use all sorts of information about its users in its advertising system that it currently says loudly that it does not use. That means that Google could change its policies and it would not have a legal obligation to use a change in privacy policy as a way to tell users that it is getting nosier.

adjective [before noun] DISAPPROVING
happening, developing or moving slowly or gradually:
We are totally against any form of creeping Socialism.


Pronunciation: /ˈɒlɪɡɑːki/ NOUN (plural oligarchies)
1A small group of people having control of a country or organization:the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president
1.1A country governed by an oligarchy:he believed that Britain was an oligarchy
1.2[MASS NOUN] Government by an oligarchy.

Sir Tim Berners Lee, who founded the web, tells us why cryptocurrencies are great but investing in bitcoin is crazy

暗号資産(仮想通貨)は、貨幣や硬貨が存在しない電子的なものであることから、電子マネーと混同しがちですが、異なる性質のものです。 電子マネーは、電子化された決済手段のことです。 基本的には円やドル等の法定通貨を対価として支払うことで利用ができるもので、必ず発行主体が存在し、発行主体が価値の裏づけをしています。


Pronunciation: /ˈkrɪptəʊˌkʌr(ə)nsi/ 

NOUN (plural cryptocurrencies)

digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of fundsoperating independently of a central bank:decentralized cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin now provide an outlet for personal wealththat is beyond restriction and confiscation


Early 21st century: from crypto- + currency.


Pronunciation: /ˈkrɪptəʊ/ 



From Greek kruptos 'hidden'.
Define lawyer up: to obtain the services of a lawyer especially while being investigated for possible wrongdoing — lawyer up in a sentence



2 up, 1 down

A mental disorder. Dietary characteristics include calling oneself a vegitarian, and then eating meat. Have a veracious appetite for chocolate bars, drinking inhuman (possibly angelic) amounts of diet coke.

It also includes a paranoia in which the person believes that every individual of the opposite sex (and then some) wants to propagate (screw) them so hard that Jesus falls off the cross. Waist size is not part of this consideration.

The most major symptom is believing that they "could" have been a lawyer. A very smart lawyer at that, who may graduate from lawyer school. As well thinking that carrying more than $20 means that they are super, ultra wealthy.

People who have diagnosed with lawyerism seem to have a tendency to "F" up grocery stores and respectful managers.
"I think that "Witful" girl should study into lawyerism. (Polite way to say that someone is a good candidate of this disorder)

1 [I or T] to produce a new plant from a parent plant:
Most house plants can be propagated from stem cuttings.
Plants needs certain conditions to propagate.

2 FORMAL (of a plant or animal) to reproduce

3 [T] FORMAL to spread opinions, lies or religions among a lot of people:
The government have tried to propagate the belief that this is a just war.
Such lies are propagated in the media.

noun [U]

a box in which seeds or young plants are grown, that has a transparent cover and is sometimes heated
