2022年1月15日 星期六

salubrious, hot up, formula infant, formula, formulation

Hong Kong’s vaccine advisory panel recommended giving a partial dose of BioNTech SE’s adult Covid shot to younger children, resorting to an “off-label use” amid supply shortages for a pediatric formulation.

Frank Grace, an American based in London and group chairman of Team Relocations, a corporate relocations company, recently discovered one of the great secrets of the wine business: You make a lot more money selling 30,000 cases of $15 wine than you do selling 6,000 cases of $75 wine.
It is the reason that such high volume vineyards as Kendall-Jackson's Vintners Reserve and Yellow Tail have made fortunes for their owners. However it is a lesson that many CEOs, successful in other fields and financially secure, never learn. As often as not they are not so much concerned with making money from owning a winery as garnering prestige and enjoying the lifestyle of being a gentleman farmer in such salubrious spots as Napa or Tuscany.

Race to become Japan’s PM hots up
Financial Times - London,England,UK
By Michiyo Nakamoto in Tokyo As the race to become Japan’s next prime minister gathered momentum over the weekend, one question has stood out. ...

China's baby-milk scandal

Formula for disaster

Sep 18th 2008 | SHIJIAZHUANG
From The Economist print edition

A scandal in China over deadly baby milk

infant formula noun [U]
US FOR baby milk


noun plural formulas or formulae
1 [C] a standard or accepted way of doing or making something, the items needed for it, or a mathematical rule expressed in a set of numbers and letters:
We have changed the formula of the washing powder.
We had to learn chemical formulae at school, but I can only remember H2O for water.
There's no magic formula for success.

2 [U] artificial milk which can be given to babies instead of milk from their mother

verb [T]
to develop all the details of a plan for doing something:
to formulate a new plan
to formulate legislation

noun [C or U]

adjective FORMAL
containing or consisting of fixed and repeated groups of words or ideas:
The text was dull and formulaic.

hot up phrasal verb UK INFORMAL
If an event or situation hots up, it becomes more exciting and more things start to happen:
A few days before the elections, the pace began to hot up.
The competition is really hotting up now.


━━ a. 健康によい.
sa・lu・bri・ous・ly ━━ ad.
sa・lu・bri・ous・ness ━━ n.
sa・lu・bri・ty ━━ n.
